PWS Chapter 2

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We walked next door. It was a beautiful day outside even though it was kind of chilly. As we walked up the Greens' pathway, the door was already opened. We walked into the wooden floor house and I saw Mrs. Green reprimanding Dominique about how slow she is eating and how we need to start getting ready.

"But mom...we have like 7 hours till the party! Chill! Plus, you know the guys will be playing football for the first 5 hours." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Domo, it is better to be early than late. And regarding the guys, they can do whatever they want, but we have work to do!" she said. As she saw us, she smiled and gave my mom and I a hug.

" I agree with you Anna, " my mom said to Mrs. Green, " I had to push Ari out of the house so the boys wouldn't see her." She and Mrs. Green glared at me and shook their heads playfully at me. Then they looked at each other and their faces were full of excitement and joy. They couldn't wait for us to be in our dresses, makeup, and hairdos.

Domo and I just looked at each other, rolled our eyes, and laughed at their ridiculousness.

"Domo...finish..." as Mrs. Green pointed to her bowl of cocoa pebbles and left with my mom to the upstairs bathroom to get everything ready. Once they left , I sat next to Domo.

"So how is my little sister doing ? You're nervous aren't you?" Domo said which barely got out of her mouth once she gulped down the milk of her Cocoa Pebbles.

"Pshhh! Nooooo...," I shrugged it off until Domo's icy gaze broke me, "Ok YES! I it that obvious?"

" Ari, Ari, Ari" she pitied me playfully, " I've known you since you were a baby. Don't you think I know when you're nervous? Like that time, we were all about to go on Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom at Six Flags. Your face was red as a strawberry...and your black!!!" she cackled in my face, spitting some bits of cocoa pebbles in my eye.

Wiping my eye, I couldn't help but laugh. It was very true. I'm just glad I don't blow up like one.

"Well, I can't help what my body does when I get nervous!! It's an important day for me." I whined to her.

"Ohhhh yeahhh! I almost forgot...your first date with my 'wittle' brother. Awww, you guys are too cute. You're going to get married! I'm telling you!! You'll be the sister I never had! " she rambled.

"But you have Kylie! And it's NOT a date! Just a friendly get together..." I said.

"Yeah but I like you better! And please!! We all know you like Shane and Shane likes you. Don't deny it!" she said as she rinsed her bowl out into the sink.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned.

"Yes we are" Kylie bursted out as she came down the stairs. "Although, my blabber mouth sister hideously exploited it to you, my brother has been in love with you since he laid eyes on you."

"Really?" I said. I wasn't so sure since he had girlfriends before, but then again, they never lasted.

"YES!" they both said as they laughed at my ignorance.

"You should know, it is so obvious!" Domo explained.

Well it wasn't obvious to me. If it's true then I want actual proof, like actual words, rather than coming from Kylie and Domo. I mean I love them but they can exaggerate things a bit.

"I know your nervous Ari, but you'll be fine. I promise." Kylie said and she then stuck her pinky out for me to lock with mine.

"I hope so..." I then reluctantly locked my pinky with hers. She was always a comfort for me when I needed it. Being the oldest of three teens, Kylie is the most mature.  

As I sat back down, Julia bursted in the door with her tall mother.

"Who's ready to get their prom onnnn!!!" said by the one and only Julia. She and her mom hugged each and everyone of us with a special squeeze for me from Julia.

"Where are your moms?" Mrs. Hopkins asked with a suitcase full of hair products, blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners. It was easy to see she was hairdresser.

" Oh they're in the upstairs bathroom getting ready." Kylie informed her. And with that Mrs. Hopkins dragged her suitcase up the already damaged wooden stairs.

Once she was out of sight, we all rolled out eyes and bursted out laughing.

"Our mothers are taking this too seriously." Domo said

"Well I wouldn't blame's little Ari's first prom." Julia said in a kiddy voice as she pinched my cheeks.

"Wow guys. Don't be dramatic" I laugh.

"Coming from the girl who is nervous..." Domo pointed out.

"Nervous?! Ari, please, there is no reason to be nervous. Shane is like in love with you!" Julia reprimanded me.

"That's what we said!" Domo chimed in. 

"Alright guys, I'm pretty sure Ari knows how much my brother is in love with her. She's already nervous enough." Kylie said as I mouthed thank you and she nodded knowing I needed it.

"Anyways, speaking of couples, what's going on with you and my brother?" I said changing the subject.

"Huh? What? I don't know what your talking about" Julia bluffed.

"Come on Jules. Anyone can see it too." Kylie winking at me and backing me up.

"Yeah, I've noticed that too" Domo smirked.  

We were cornering her to telling her secret. She was keeping something from us. I could tell. She was my best friend after all.

We just blankly stared at her until she cracked.

"Fineeee! Since last month...Chase and I made it official that...we are going out." Jules said.

"WHAT?!!!" all three of us gasped.

"You didn't tell us!! Not even me, I'm supposed to be your best friend. I'm insulted!" I said.

" We all are!!! When were you going to tell us!!??" Domo peeped.

" Well, I thought you guys would catch on. Our parents knew so I assumed you guys knew." Jules explained.

"Never assume. Never." Kylie replied.

"Look I'm sorry. But it's out now! " Jules slipped in.

"Fine, we forgive you. Just because you guys are so cute!!" I spoke for all of us. And we all squeaked with glee and had a group hug.

But all of sudden, the mothers came down.

"Good you're all here. We'll start from the oldest to the youngest. So Kylie, your up. Go upstairs." Mrs Green ordered.

"But..." Kylie started to retort.

"But nothing! Go now please." her mom interrupted.

Kylie groaned and dragged herself up the stairs. Her mother giving her playful push to hurry her up.

"Let's go slow poke! We got 3 other girls to do!" Mrs. Green exclaimed.

Kylie then looked back at us, the remaining three. Jules and I just teased her and laughed while Domo waved her goodbye,

"I'm gonna miss you sis!!" faking tears. Kylie then rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs.

"Welp! We'll never see her again." Domo shrugged off as she plopped down on the couch turning on The Vampire Diaries.

Jules and I sat next to her. Oldest to youngest. Great, I'm going to be last. I just wanna get it over with. I guess Jules felt my anxiety since she sweetly smiled at me and patted my back softly to comfort me. I guess I gotta wait. Greeaaat! 


I hope y'all enjoyed Chapter 2! I know it's a bit long but thanks for reading!!



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