Chapter 12

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It was a normal occurrence when K-unit arrive to find the two assassins fooling around with each other and bickering about pointless things and some days they would be making out and then jumping apart when they realise they have been caught. Well, Alex was the one that jumped away not Yassen, the boy is still uncomfortable about being in a relationship and having people know because he is scared that someone is going to get hurt if someone finds out.
Yassen was getting worried when he noticed Alex wasn't getting much sleep. The boy was overworking himself and something is keeping him up at night. Yassen is trying to find out what it is but Alex was really good at hiding things now. Alex was out on an assignment and Yassen was replenishing the groceries in Alex's fridge. He had this gut feeling that something was wrong but couldn't quite place a finger on it. He noticed this glint before he was hit and everything went black.
When he came to, he instinctively scanned his surroundings from his position on the ground. He was in a cold stone walled cell with a lightbulb hanging above, his hands and legs bound together. Dammit, they twisted my hands behind my back before they tied me up. Now my arms is in a very compromising situation. If I move, I'm going to break or fracture it. Dammit. Yassen noticed he wasn't alone in the room. He shifted and came face to face with John and Ian and Helen who were just waking up. John blinked and squinted at Yassen.
"Hello John." Yassen greeted.
"What are you doing here?"
"How would I know?" Yassen asked, staring at John like he was dumb.
"I heard that you were shot in airforce one." Ian said.
"You know a lot for a dead man." Yassen said coldly, still angry that they didn't save Alex from this and they even trained him for MI6 to use him. "Don't need to bite my head off, Jesus."
"Goddammit! My head hurts!" Someone from another corner of the room moaned and the sound of clothes rustling could be heard, the four turned towards the source. "You're here too?" Eagle.
"Yes. And I think I have a pretty good idea why we're all here." Yassen said, turning to face k-unit. Wolf was trying to blink away the grogginess, they gasped when they noticed the other room occupants. "Is that- no way!" Eagle exclaimed.
"It's John Rider and Ian Rider... They're alive." Ben said in disbelieve. "Does he know?" Ben asked directing the question at Yassen who nodded grimly. Ben tsked and was cursing under his breath. "Let's hope he is safe." Eagle said seriously.
"Who are you guys talking about?" John asked.
"You have no right to know when you abandoned him 15 years ago!" Yassen snapped. John was surprised by the outburst. Yassen was normally cool and collected. The metal door clacked as the lock was unlocked. "Perfect. The squad is complete. This is the final delivery." A guard said as he roughly handled something before chucking it into the room. Yassen recovered quick enough to move to cushion the boy's fall. Yassen grunted when Alex hit him. It wasn't heavy but it sure was hard. "I'm sorry." Alex gasped out in pain when his wounds were agitated from the fall. "Don't apologise. Are you okay?" Yassen asked worriedly, pushing the boy into a sitting position.
"I've have worse, sweetheart." Alex said with a small smirk, Yassen couldn't help but return it. Only Alex Rider has the capability to have fun even after being kidnapped and tortured. "How did they get you?" Wolf asked.
"I was here undercover, then I heard you guys were caught so..."
"So you 'accidentally' blew your own cover." Yassen said, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend's stupidity. "What can I say? I can't see you if I didn't can I?" Alex asked, smiling and then leaning over to kiss Yassen. The other Riders gasped when the boy kissed another male. Although the boy does look familiar. "Alex?" Ian asked, causing Alex to jump. He hadn't notice them.
"Hi." Alex greeted, not sure what to do. They stared at each other awkwardly before Alex decided to focus on Yassen. "It's okay." Yassen said trying to reassure the boy's troubled mind. His eye bags clearly visible, indicating the lack of sleep. "Your hair dye is washing off." Yassen commented, looking at the grey dyed hair.
"Don't need to tell me that. It's insulting to notice my hair and not my face." Alex jabbed back.
"Awww, are you jealous I'm looking at your hair and not your face?" Yassen joked leaning closer. Alex's eyes narrowed and turned away from Yassen, his back to Yassen's. "No kissie for you then."
"Too bad. None for you too."
"I'm sure we can both live with that." Alex said and Yassen nodded. The bickering, only this two can still do it in such a situation. Alex shifted so he was a little further away from Yassen, although said man wasn't worried as he knows exactly what Alex wants to do. Alex rolled his shoulders after wriggling away from Yassen to make some space for himself to move his arms. Everyone except Yassen gasped in horror when Alex started pulling his arms up and shifting, causing the bone to pop to shift and he managed to rotate his arm to the front. "Nice work for freaking everyone else out."
"Too bad." Alex said as swung around into a kneeling position behind Yassen and started untying the assassin's restraints. Yassen rolled his shoulders when he was free and untied his leg restraints before turning around to untie Alex. He paused when he found the knot to pull. "I like you tied up though." Yassen said playfully. Alex tsked at him to play along. "Stop being so horny and untie me, maybe you'll get your kisses." Yassen leaned in and kissed Alex.
"Why not now?"
"Because there are people watching and it's not comfortable and there is no privacy."
"Ah. Does that mean more hickeys later?" Yassen asked teasingly, slowly tugging that the knots. Alex looked at him incredulous. "Are you kidding? Look at my neck. Find a place that isn't bruised by them or covered by your hickey." Alex said tilting his head back to show his neck that has bruising the shape of very big hands. "Who did that?" Yassen asked dangerously.
"Don't worry. I made sure he can't have anymore babies." Alex said, making everyone excluding Yassen cringe. The two untied the others quickly and helped them stand up, Alex had pointedly steered clear from the other Riders choosing to untie K-unit only. "Now what?"
"Now we escape." Alex replied whipping out a steel eagle knife from a hidden pocket somewhere in his clothing.

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