Summer love

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This is me. Plain and simple. Nothing special. Your everyday girl with big dreams that will never come true. There's no faith in my dreams. I must follow my moms hopes and dreams, instead of mine.

Long blond hair and light blue eyes. That's me. Nobody really sees me as the smart girl or the pretty girl.

I've never lived up to people's exceptions. Never. People just thought I was going to be like mom. No. I'm never going to be like her. I'm not like her at all. I'm not smart like her. I'm not popular. I guess I'm a little confused about my life right now. I'm confused about of lot of things though.

The most important thing I'm confused about is my 'dad' situation. All my life I believed he had left. Didn't even care about me. But now something happened. Mom and dad have been talking my entire life. I never knew. One time my mom left her phone at home and he had called.

I answered. He seemed to be surprised it was me. We talked about some predictable stuff. He told me about him. I didn't get his name though during all of it. My mom came home when I was on the phone with him. She was mad. When I hot off the phone. She was trying to tell me,she didn't want me to be apart of his busy life. I had no idea who the man was I talked.

Later mom sat me down to tell me about his life and who he is and what he does. It turns out he's Simon Cowell. He's one the biggest group of people on the face of the earth. Just my luck. A loser girl with a famous dad. He is the manger of One Direction. It's a big boyband. But I guess I just don't pay enough attention to notice them.

It was just to much information in one day. It's going to take me a day or so just to understand I have a dad.

A few days pasted and my mom says she has a plane ticket and she's shipping me off to London to spend the summer. With my dad!

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