AnderCriss Brothers - Part 3

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Imagine. It has been a week since the "auditorium blessing", like you and Kurt called it. Since you were not talking to Blaine ever since your fight, you and his boyfriend got closer. You really appreciated the gesture he did for Darren and you that night, especially knowing he didn't just idiotically listen to his boyfriend but took your side even if he didn't know you that well. Monday is always a bitch. It's always a big punch in the face gave by reality to remind you that you have to sit on a unconfortable chair for hours to get a high school degree. Plus, today there wasn't Glee. Even more boring. You walked to McKinley and decided to walk through the parking lot for a shortcut. You saw Kurt and Blaine against the latter's car having a moment. Kurt waves at you and you waved back before heading to the halls. You didn't want Blaine to make a big deal about of this. That obviously failed.

"y/n!" you heard behind you. You rolled your eyes and kept walking, ignoring him. "y/n!" he repeated before running to you. He met you in the hallway and walked next to you. "Can we talk?" he asked. You stopped and turned to him, your arms crossed over your chest. "What do you wanna know? No, I'm not dating your brother yet. Happy? Now leave me alone" you say roughly and went back to walking in the busy hallways. "No, wait! Please hear me out" Blaine begged as he tried to keep up with your pace. "For what? Hearing you say what a bad idea it would be for me?" you pratically screamed. How to start a perfect week, you thought. "Come here" Blaine said and grabbed your arm. He dragged you along in the first empty class and closed the door behind him. "Ok now it's getting creepy. Let me out" you say as you try to past him. "Y/n, I want to apologize so stop making this even harder and listen to me" Blaine said to your face, annoyed. You breath out and looked at him. He seriously looked like a lost puppy. "Okay" you agree as you went to sit against one of the desks. He threw his leather shoulder bag on to one of the table and put his hands on his hips. "Okay um...I'm sorry. I was wrong. I made mistakes" he explains. "Which are?" you ask shyly. He breath out and looked away before answering. "When we were in middle school, everytime I had a friend and introduced him or her to my brother, I ended up alone. When we went to high school, it was just the same, except that it was even worse because people were not very accepting. And then it stopped when we went to Dalton and I didn't want it to start again" he looked down at his shoes like a kid after he did something stupid. "Listen I understand that you and I won't stop being friends if you date my brother. And he likes you, he really does. He can't shut up about you so go for it so he will leave me alone, please" Blaine joked. You chuckled. "Wow, you went from not wanting me to see your brother to pratically pushing me into his arms. That's a big change" you smirked. Blaine laughed and shook his head. "Yeah it is. Will you forgive the selfish jerk I am?" he asks with a pouty face. "Of course idiot" you say as you went to hug him. "I love you, Blainey" you say in his neck. "I love you too" he answered as he squeezed you tight. You pulled apart and took his offered hand when you both walked to your class.

"These breadsticks are crap" Darren said after he took a bite of one of them. "Told ya. The thing you really can't eat at Breadsticks are the breadsticks" you smirked behind your menu. "Is that a rule?" Darren asked with an amused smile. "It is! Man, Westerville kids need to learn a lot about Lima" you said sarcastically. "I can't believe my brother hasn't told me that rule! He's like a double Westerville-Lima agent now. I can't believe he didn't informed me!" Darren joked. "I know. How rude of him" you chuckle. Your went back to looking at the menu as you tried to ignore the way Darren was looking at you. A blush was coming to your cheek and you did your best to push it away. "So do you think my brother is somewhere hiding here behind a newspaper?" Darren asked. "No, I think he will pass that actually. We had a little discussion yesterday about that, and he apologized" you explain. "Yeah I know. He told me to 'go for it'. That was an embarassing moment" he adds. You giggled. "He told me that too! Yay!" you joke. You both highfived and kept goofing around the whole night, talking about this and that and eating your dishes which were way better than the breadsticks. Darren took you back home after a walk and dropped you off at your porch.

"Well, that was nice" Darren smirked. "Yeah, it really was" you answered as your eyes found his. You just kept looking at each other in the eyes, your smirks slowly turning into grins before you looked away giggling. "Would you let try something before I leave?" Darren asked to break the silence. "Of course" you smile. "Don't move" he precised. He stepped closer and cupped your face to deliver the sweetest kiss on your lips. You instantly freaked out inside but you didn't push him away. How could you? He's a fucking good kisser, you thought. Both of your lips danced away for a few seconds before he pulled away. You opened your eyes to see him all smiling. "Goodnight" he whispered, unable to hide the smile on his face. You looked him going away, completely out of it. "Darren Everett Ander-Criss! Don't you dare leave like that!" you shouted before he went in his car. You ran to him and kissed him more. You both smiled during the kiss, your bodies pressed against each other and your hands intertwined. 'Go for it' you heard Blaine saying in your head again. He had never been more right about anything.

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