Chapter 7

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Felix P.O.V

When I went to check up on Isa when the sun was just about to rise I saw she wasn't in her room and the window was wide open. I ran to Danie's room and knocked, 'I told everybody to not disturbed me while I'm in my room.' He bellowed.
'Danie I'm sorry for waking you but Isa got out. I don't kn...' I said trying not to anger him.
It clearly didn't work 'cause the door flew open and he was almost yelling, 'What? How could you let her escape? That's the whole reason I put you outside her room!' I took a few steps back and he stormed past me and running to our trakkers.

If Danie wasn't alpha I would have never told him that she was missing. I just hope she has a long enough head start. If she didn't then Danie would get her back. And I hope she gets somewhere safe before he finds her. I ran and caught up with Danie and the trakkers. He looks very angry but I atleast know it wasn't towards me but towards Isa. We walked around for a bit longer and the trakkers got a sent and we took off in that direction.

Jamie P.O.V

I ran out when I heard Eliot calling. When he came out of the forest I saw that he was carrying Isa. When he reached the house he gave her to me and said out of breath, 'Take her to the hospital ward and stay with her. Don't come looking for me 'cause I'm going to be busy doing alpha duties.' I nodded and ran off. 'TJ come, we have to go. Now!' I heard him yell.

When we rached the hospital ward I put her on the bed and the doctor came in. Whiile he examined her I sat on one of the chairs and keeping an eye on her. I was not going to let her out of my sight.

Eliot P.O.V

When TJ came running I turned around and sprinting to the forest I shift to my wolf form. A moment later TJ ran next to me.

What's going on, bro? His voice came in my head. Wolves from the same pack can comunicate with each other through thought.
The Night packs on our territory. I thought to him.
What? Why? How many? He asked.
7. It's their alpha, beta and 5 trakkers. I told him.
If they are 7 then why the heck did you bring just me? He asked in a panicked voice.

Before I could answer I saw the Night packs group. Their alpha and I went behind bushes and seconds later we walked out. When I saw their alpha in human form my blood boiled.

'Why are you on our territory?' I asked furious. TJ saw how furious I was and nudged me with his nose. I calmed down and put my poker face on.
He grinned and said, 'You have something or should I say some one of mine.'
I laughed like I was a crazy man and said hysterical, 'Yours, whe have something or some one of yours? You made her live hell and she bounced with exitment when we offered her to stay with us. Whe will protect her and never give her to you.'
'Your making a big mistake Eliot. You and your pack will pay. I will get her back even if it means war.' He said angry.
'Why do you want her so badly?' I asked before he walked away.
He looked at me with cold eyes and said, 'You don't have an idea what's going on. No one does. Only me and my dead parents know. They wanted to tell everybody and I couldn't let that happen so I had to kill them.' He turned away and ran back shifting into a wolf blacker as night.We turned and headed towards home.

When I was in wolf form TJ asked, Did you know that he was their alpha?
No, I didn't and we aren't going to tell Isa about any of this, you understand? I told him threatening. The rest of the way to the house was silent and when we got there I ran to the hospital ward and saw Isa in one of the beds and Jamie asleep in the chair next to her. I walked over and sat beside Isa's bed on the other chair closest to her. I took her hand and kissed it. I let her hand go and sat back in my chair.

When Jamie woke up I told him he had to go eat. A while after he left I fell asleep. But I sat up straight when I heard something and looked around the room franticly. I saw that Isa is awake and she spoke. I stood up and went over to her side.

I took her hand and asked, 'What happened? Are you alright?'
She nodded and said in a croaky voice, 'Water please?' I quikly got up and grabbed a glass. I went and poured her a glass of water. She drank the water and answered, 'When I went to the bathroom, Felix, one of Danie's friends and the guy who was in my room was in the bathroom and knocked me out. He took me back to Danie and he hit and kicked me. I couldn't sleep but I still tried and when I was sure that I wouldn't get sleep I went to the window and saw a trampoline outside. So I sat on the window and jumped. I hit the trampoline, bounced off and fell down a hill next to it. I hurt my knee but ran through the forest. I came at that spring in the middle of the forest and I knew the way from there. And while I was running I saw you and you know the rest.' I could see the hurt in her eyes.
'You had bruises this morning but you don't have now. How is that?' I asked confused.
She sighed and answered, 'Since I was little I could heal fast, but I don't know how. Eliot can you please take me to my room? I don't like hospitals 'cause I spend to much time in them.'
'I will. Why were you in hospitals alot?' I asked helping her up.
She tried to help me but I could see her knee hurt alot and she answered, 'Because my grandma was very sick. And we were visiting her alot.'

I nodded and we walked silently to her room. Her knee was broken when she got at the hospital ward but the doctors didn't do anything 'cause it was almost just cracked. They say it healed very fast. Even faster than an alpha can heal.

Thanks to all of you that's reading my book. Please comment, vote and fan. I am working as fast as I can.

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