Chapter 18

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Mason P.O.V

I walked out of ten city hall and searched for Isa. She was the love of my life. I can't believe how lucky I got. I was a low life and a crummy alpha until she showed up. Sure my pack was strong and respected me but it was cause I was cruel. It was only my beta and third that actually knew me and knew about my past.

They knew about my abusive parents that also died from an overdose of drugs when I was 15 so I became the Alpha of the pack at a young age and got ruthless, no one took me seriously so I had to make a few examples so they would. I thought.

I wonder where Isa is. I want my mate back in my arms. Jamie and Eliot found their second chance mates and are happy and with them now but my mate is missing.

While walking through the town I noticed it a little quieter than usual. There weren't people hustling and bustling around, it was calm. And I didn't see Drake and Gifen since the meeting after Isa left. Somethings not right and I have a feeling they have something to do with it and I'm gonna find out.

Isa P.O.V

'HELLO! Anybody there! Please, somebody!' I shouted. I can't hear anything or see anything. All I know is that I'm in a cell chained to the wall with silver and it burns but I got used to it.

The only thing I can hear is Zeus in a different cell and the only thing I can smell is Zeus and the musty, wet smell of cement.

Just then I heard a door open with a squeak. 'Finally somebody!' I exclaimed. When the person got close a light turned on and I was blinded for a moment until my eyes adjusted. 'NO stay away from me!' I yelled at my so called brother.

'Shut up!' he yelled and slapped me. I felt the tears prick the corners of my eyes and I can't believe he used to be my role model. He used to be the nicest, most caring big brother ever but I guess he was just good at acting.

'Please, Danie, let me go!' I pleaded.

He just cackled like a mad man and asked in a dark voice, 'Oh dear sister and why should I do that? You can give me power and so much land and authority! You are my ticket to becoming the king of alphas, the mighty king that everyone will bow down to so tell me why I should, no, why I would let you go?'

'I can't help you Danie, I don't know how and even if I did I wouldn't let you make other people suffer!' I spat at him. Not a smart move but he infuriates me.

He just laughed evilly. He has the nerve to just laugh! Is he on something or is he just a maniac?

He shut the light of and closed the door locking it after walking out. I sighed and just thought of Mason. Is he going to rescue me? Does he even love me like he says he does? Or is he part of this all?

I don't know how long have passed, how many hours or days I have been here but I just know that it's been days, maybe weeks, I don't know. I get food sometimes, but it's just a glass of filthy water and old moldy bread with a piece of who knows what. I just hope Zeus and the rest of the pack is doing fine. I want to be back with Mason, I miss him, his warm hugs, soft warm lips, his smell, just him.

Why does life have o be so cruel to me? Why does something bad have to happen to me when everything just got good? The universe just maybe doesn't want me happy. Maybe fate hates me and wants me to suffer unhappy.

Guess what fate! I'm unhappy and miserable! If you wanted to break me... Good job cause I'm broken. Are you happy now?! You have taken everything from me, my parents, my loving brother, a happy childhood and life and now you take me away from my mate!

I'm going crazy in here! I'm seriously going crazy.

The door opened and in came Danie. Oh goody, note the sarcasm please.

'Hey sis. Come on!' he said and unchained me and had to half carry me out. We walked through corridor after corridor until he stopped infront of a door an opened it revealing a metal chair with shackles and a table with cloth covering what's on it. He cuffed me to the chair and unveiled what's underneath the cloth. Different tools for torturing and I didn't expect less.

'Before I use your power I'm going to have some fun 1st.' he said and picked up something and showed it to me. It was a kind of cutting device and I think he wanted me to be scared but I just laughed.

I knew I went crazy being in that cell. I knew it! He just looked at me like I was crazy and he is right cause I am.

I just continued to laugh until the torture started. I stopped laughing and screamed until my throat was raw. After a few hours I said in a croaky voice,

'Mason and the packs are coming for me and you will pay! For what you did to me, to my parents and to anyone else.'

He chuckled, shaking his head and said, 'You really think they love you? You really believe they were on your side? That they are coming? Sweetheart your so naive to think so. They were in on this the whole time. Mason doesn't love you, the packs doesn't love you, no one does and they aren't coming. Your all alone and your not getting out of here.'

I could feel the tears but didn't let them fall. Some of his henchmen took me back to my cell and I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up I felt around the room for something, anything. I found a big sharp rock that was about the size of my palm. I took it and kept it, waiting.

My 'brother' came in after a while and when we got in the room, just before he cuffed me I jabbed the edge of the rock that I sharpened into his neck, over and over until he was lying in a pool of his own blood.

I took all the keys he had, a gun, a few of the tools from the table and went and got Zeus.

I ran until I found the exit and I haven't seen any guards or people around anywhere. I ran through the forest with Zeus by my side, I didn't stop no matter how much I wanted to. The adrenaline pumping through my veins and the determination to get as far away from that place pushed me to run even faster.

I got out of that place around lunch time and ran until sunset. My legs gave wat and I fell to the ground. I crawled into a rather large deserted hole of some sorts and Zeus was outside hidden from view.

I fell asleep, freezing, shaking, and crying knowing that I just killed my brother. Even though he abuse me for years on end he was still my brother, still family.

'Always forgive, never forget' is what my mother used to say.

I miss my parents and fun, loving brother but they'll always be with me.

Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to update. We had exams, and I had training, school, swim meets and other stuff to do.

And I had writers block. The story is almost at its end, just a few more chapters. Sorry again for taking so long. Next time I won't take long, I promise. And Geysers keep their promises

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