Chapter 16

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Hey guys I just want to dedicate this chapter to Ilze Terblanch! You're a great friend and you are awesome just remember that and don't change. Stay who you are!

Isa P.O.V

When I awoke the next day Mason was gone. I took Zeus out for a walk and his car was also gone. He must've went to the airport to do as I asked. I thought. I shrugged it off.

I spent about a week just alone with Zeus and if I'm honest with myself, being alone with a dog is great. I let my wolf out every now and again and just run around. So a week after Mason left here I am walking in the forest when suddenly a pitch black wolf tackles me and I growl. I look into its eyes and see the familiar forest green eyes of Mason.

I relaxed when he got off of me and I walked back to my cabin. I knew he would follow and I didn't really care. When we got there we both shifted and went inside. I sat on the couch and Zeus instantly jumped on my lap. Mason sat next to me on the couch next to me on the couch and I asked,

'Are Eliots and Jamies packs here along with yours?' He nodded with a smile and scooted closer to me. I sighed, 'Take me to them.' He nodded hesitantly but we walked out and just before he shifted I cleared my throat. He paused and looked over at me while I pointed to my Jeep. He nodded and got in the driver side while I got into the passenger side with Zeus on my lap.

While he was driving we talked about random things. After awhile he stopped. I look up and see a huge camp in front of me. There are tents of different sizes, fire pits here and there and people walking all over the place.

'Follow me Isa.' I nodded and we walked into the sea of tents with Zeus following me and growling when someone gets to close to me. I looked down and smiled. We came to a halt in front of the biggest tent of all. I walked in with Zeus hot on my tail and followed the voices. I came to a opening where Eliot and Jamie and their Betas stood talking with each other. Zeus growled and all of their heads snapped towards me.

'Isa!' They all gasped. I smiled and Eliot walked over to me. When he was with in arms reach Zeus jumped in front of me and growled low and deep. Eliot stopped dead in his tracks and looked down. I bent down and picked Zeus up and said,

'Eliot this is Zeus. He is a puppy I found one morning,' They all nodded and I continued, 'Okey, here's the plan; behind my place between the forest and mountain there is a really big clearing. I suggest that we go there and set camp. We then begin building houses for all.'

They once again nodded and he gave the orders to pack up camp and we left. Once we reached the foot of the mountain we set a camp up again and Eliot said we will start first thing in the morning. I didn't go to my cabin because I was exhausted and just took an extra tent.

The following morning I woke up refreshed. No sarcasm. Even though I slept on the ground floor I slept great.

When I got out of my tent everyone, well almost everyone was up and busy. I took a few steps when I got tackled to the ground. I looked up and saw Mason on top of me. Zeus stood to the side and growled at Mason and his lip curled back showing his sharp teeth. Mason got up and pulled me along and we went to get something to eat. Afterwards Mason and I shifted and went for a run with Zeus.

We got to a small clearing with a stream and came to a stop drinking some water and laying down on the grass in wolf form. I nipped his ear and we began playing and chasing each other while Zeus sat still and watched us. We lost track of time and the sun began to set. We headed back and arrived in time for dinner.

After dinner everyone went to they're separate tents.

The next morning I woke up with something heavy over my stomach. I turned around and saw Masons sleeping face. I took this moment to look at his face even though it felt a little stalker-ish.

I was so in thought that I didn't realize he woke up and is also staring at me. We made eye contact and just stayed like that for a moment until I said softly, 'What are you doing in my tent?'

He chuckled and answered, 'I couldn't stay away from my beautiful mate any longer.' That sentence made my heart melt and I pecked his lips.

I got up but he pulled me back down to him. He crashed his lips onto mine and I instantly kissed back. We pulled back breathless before things got to heated.

'Isa... W-will you b-be my girlfriend-slash-mate?' Mason stuttered and it was kind of cute. I looked at him and smiled. I nodded my head and kissed him again. We got up later and went to get breakfast. We walked hand in hand and smiled. We were happy and the construction plans were going well and everything was going smoothly.

I decided to end the chapter here and I just once again want to make a shout out to Ilze Terblanch.

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