Chapter One: Dull Blue-White Painted Room

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Beside You- 5SOS

A certain blonde-blue haired boy roamed inside the hospital and looking around warily. If someone could touch him right now, his skin might be ice cold from all the pressure and sweat that his body is excreting; cold ones, that is. He seemed like in a rush. His green eyes were full of worry. Once he stopped abruptly in front of a door, he visibly calmed down and pushed the mahogany door forward; entering himself.

A figure was seen by the blonde-blue haired boy and a tear slipped when he realized it was his brother, Luke. Michael stood at the middle of the room silently; the beeping of the machine and different paced breathes shared between the two brothers were the only noises that echoed inside the dull blue-white painted room.

The green-eyed boy was snapped back
to reality when he heard a voice from behind him. In fact, the entrance of the person wasn't even acknowledged by Michael. His thoughts were lost in the sea called 'Luke'. Many questions appeared yet obvious answers appeared as well; bad answers.

"He did something you wouldn't approve of." The person stated, even though the reason was obvious as to why Luke was in the cold hospital room, lifeless. Luke doesn't have any allergies so how could it be an allergen reaction?

"I know." Michael breathed out, unwillingly. His brother is going through a hard time (depression) and honestly, this was bound to happen sometime-attempted suicide.

"He overdosed and cut deep so he lost many blood. You can see the stitches. As for the over pills intake, it was already pumped out of his system." Hazel-eyed said and Michael only nodded.

The green-eyed boy was hurt by his brother's actions. He was ready to help him any second but Luke pushed his brother away. Michael even tried to convince Luke to move out but still, the younger lad refused. Luke didn't want to leave the house that their parents built for them, even though in that same place, Luke was bullied.

"I tried everything to convince him, Ash, you know that. Yet, he never listened to me. If only he listened to me and stopped being stubborn for once, this wouldn't happen." Michael's voice was soft yet cracked while his gaze was still trained on Luke's helpless figure laid on the hospital bed.

He's hurt; the both of them. Luke knew Michael was ready to help him any time but instead of having a comforting bro-talk, he did that. Now, look where he is.

Ashton looked at the two brothers and felt sad. Their parents left them so sudden and now, they're by their own. The siblings learned to grow up throughout the years by their own but still, Ashton felt sorry for them. He knows the two never wanted any sympathy but he can't help it. Michael was 13 and Luke was 12 when their parents left them. It's such a young age. So, the two took care of each other instead of going to unnecessary parties that their fellow teenagers would do.

"H-he should have listened to me." Michael broke Ash's thoughts. He was there, sobbing and felt like a failure. Michael can always force Luke but he listened to him when Luke didn't even listen to him.

"Mike, you know Luke, he's a stubborn one." Ashton told the boy he was comforting. Michael was about to say something but he chose to keep quiet.

Why would he argue more if it's already done?

The two sat quietly and the green-eyed boy sulked.

|a/n: welcome to my new story! boring as fuck, i know and i'm so sorry for that. next chapters would be (hopefully) longer and more decent. i know, i barely complete my books yet here i am, with another new story. it's a bad habit, i'm aware but it's def not my fault that my brain keeps releasing new story ideas so like, why not give it a break and right some down? so yeah, intro of the Clifford siblings. *wiggles eyebrows* bye. xx]

MEDIA IS ADORABLE MUKE CLIFFORD (CLEMMINGS) SIBLINGS ARGH!I! p.s. it's weird to see michael not having eyebrow piercing and luke not having a lip ring.

Also, I'm still crying because Lucifer changed his Instagram name. like, the fuck?!

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