I'll Keep You A Daydream Away: Chapter 6

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I did a half spin for the 30th time, gazing into the long mirror. I looked so, pretty, for once. Even with my hair in damp waves and my face plain with no make up.  I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get it into a niceish style. 

"What are you DOING in there?" Calla said as she knocked hard on the bathroom's wooden door.

"Plotting the Earth's orbit around the Sun."


"What? No, ofcourse not. I'm really wondering how someone can be this immune to sarcasm."

"Oh, ha ha, genius."

"Shame the same couldn't be said about you."

"Urgh, just get out here, now."

"Yes, master."

I sighed and turned towards the off white wooden door. Turning the small silver lock above the door handle. I took one step before I felt someone turn into me, one of their elbows landing in my gut. A rush of breathe slipped out of me and I doubled over. Shit.

"Oh, God. So sorry Poppy!"

I struggled to speak for a moment, when I did it came out as a weak whisper.


After a few more seconds of trying to get my breath back, I stood upright. Calla was pushing her bleach blonde hair away from her face, raking her fingers through it. Her eyes gleamed and her jaw opened slightly, a small gasp just about audible releasing from her lips. 

"So, err, opinions?"

"OH POPPY! You look hot, not gonna lie."

"Well, look who's talking." I wagged my eyebrows at her and she winked at me.

"No but seriously, you look beautiful."

I could feel my cheeks warming slightly. 

"Thanks Calla."

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she snapped her head upwards so fast I worried she had broken her neck at first.

"Oh my gosh. Poppy I have the greatest idea! You should invite Max to your gig tonight, he would be so shocked! I mean, who could resist you in that?"

I was getting kind of bored of this now. Max this, Max that. Poppy, 'Max said you looked so good the other night!' 'Poppy, ask Max out so we can double date!' 'Isn't Max looking hot tonight!'. It was kinda sweet of her, but I knew she did it because her boyfriend Harry (Max's best friend) was asking her too. Don't get me wrong, Max is lovely. He's sweet, generous and thoughtful. He's gorgeous too, with choppy brown hair and sparkling green eyes. But, I have never seen him as much more than a friend.

"Calla, do you know what a dictionary is?"

"What are you? Ofcourse, I know what one is, Im not stupid Poppy."

"Right, go find one, turn to the letter N, find this two letter word called NO, and look up what it means, cause I don't think you seem to be able to grasp the concept."

"Okay, okay, it was just a thought. Come on, do your hair and make up quick, its already 4pm."


I rubbed my finger back and forth over the tiny black smudge on my eyelid. Argh! Come on, come on dissapear already! There, this will have to do. I placed a auburn curl back in the right place and smoothed over my outfit. Im not sure why, but I just wanted to look good tonight. With another quick coat of mascara, I turned around to get Calla's approval. She beamed at me from her spot on the brown leather couch. 

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