Chapter 1

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Blaze's POV

I awoke from my slumber, do to a throbbing headache. I must've had more to drink than I thought last night.

As I sat up, all of the memories of last night came rushing back to me.

F*ck. I can't go to school today! The beatings will be worse then usual! Great. Just f*cking great.

You guys are probably wondering as to what happened.


He started walking closer to me. I got really scared.

I took a step backwards trying to escape from him, only to be stopped by a wall.

Jase walked up even closer to me. He put his hands on either side of my head, meaning I was trapped.

He got so close, our bodies were touching.

I felt his breath, which wreaked of alcohol, on mine.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

Jase, the most popular kid at our school, the biggest jock, my bully, was kissing me. What do I do?! I know that there will be punishments for which ever choice I made, so I began kissing him back. What? Oh, I forgot to mention that he was my crush too.


I don't remember how, but somehow, we ended up in his room, with him, straddling me.

Both of us shirtless, our bodies against each other.

Suddenly, I felt his hands, tugging at my pants.

It was then, that I realized what was about to happen. Not only was he the biggest jock in school, but he- we, were drunk, and seemingly the whole school were in the rooms right around us.

Something had to be done.

I pushed Jase off of me and got up. I went to go grab my shirt, but I couldn't find it.

After a moment of rushed searching, I found it and put it on.

I turned around to see Jase.

He was standing there, with his hands over his head.

All of a sudden, he had me pinned up to a wall again. I knew that this time, something different was going to happen.

I felt his fist connect with my face, followed by the metallic taste of blood.

I knew that some kind of punishment would happen.

All I remember after that was my best friend, Megan, driving me home.

*end of flashback*

I got up and went over to my dresser, opening the top drawer, and grabbing a pair of black ripped up, skinny jeans. I then went to my closet, and decided on wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt. I also grabbed my other necessities.

I walked out of my room, and over to the bathroom, which luckily wasn't occupied.

After walking in, and taking off my clothes, I looked in the mirror. I was going to have to wear make-up today so that no one will be able to see my bruises. Luckily, my black with midnight blue streaks, which was in a fringe, covered most of them.

I then looked over the rest of my body. It was covered in bruises and scars. Most of the scars were from my self, but some of them were from the beatings.

I walked over to the shower and turned on the water.

I got in and instantly felt a burning sensation all over my body. I was used to it though.


I got out of the shower, and dressed into the clothes I had grabbed before. I also applied some make-up to make the bruises not as noticeable.

As I walked downstairs, I was instantly greeted by my mother.

"I cooked you breakfast honey." She said.

"Oh, thanks." I said back.

I felt quite bad for my mom. It was just her and I in the house.

My father had left us when I was only 8, and my brother, upon who would be about 22 now, had committed suicide when I was 12.

She treats me great, but she is all I have. That's why I haven't even thought about coming out to her.

I sat down at out dining room table and stared down at my food. I don't want to eat it. I'm already fat enough.

I pretended to eat some, for my mother's sake, then I threw it all away.

After finishing getting ready and exchanging goodbyes with my mother, I walked outside and over to our side yard.

I grabbed my skateboard after putting my ear buds in, and putting 'In The End' by Black Viel Brides on.

I walked out, then rode to school, not fully ready for the major beatings that were going to happen.




Comment how much you love your shirt?

I love my shirt so much. Like, blue.

Word Count: 787 words

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