chapter 14

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Jane thought about what the doctor said on her way home. What was really keeping her from starting a relationship with Maura? She wanted Maura in a more-than -friendship way and the doctor was right. When did she ever care what any other assholes thought. She knew Frost and Korsak would be fine. She decided she would talk to her mother and see. As for Frankie and Tommy, her gut said that as long as she was happy they would be fine.

When Jane got back to Maura's after therapy, she remembered that her mother was off today. She decided to go to the guesthouse and talk to her mother. She knocked on the door.

"Janie," Angela said as she opened the door, "are you alright?"

"Yeah, Ma. I'm fine. I was wondering if you had time to talk to me for a few?"

"Sure, come in. You want something to eat?"

"Naw, not right now. I just need to talk to you then I may grab a bite."

"Ok, what's up Jane?"

"Ma, how strong is your faith?"

Angela thought that was a strange question to be coming from Jane. Where was this going? "Well, I feel that I am strong, but I falter just like everyone."

"How do you feel about people who sin in the eyes of the church?"

Angela really wished she knew where this was going. She was running everything through her head and of course the one thing that got hung up was suicide. Oh, I hope Jane is not considering suicide and wants to see if I would forgive her if she were to kill herself. "Jane that is a hard question. I don't know, I feel like certain sins, while condemned by the church, may not be as bad, but I think things like suicide is unforgivable and a person would be doomed to an eternal hell as would their family if they were to commit suicide." Angela, although that was really not how she felt, hoped that would scare Jane out of going through with it. She needed to try to call Maura after Jane leaves. No, she is not going to let Jane out of her sight. She would have an intervention and get everybody together to convince Jane to not consider that an option. Angela knew Jane cared for Maura, maybe she could use her to keep her from having thoughts of suicide. "Jane, you know I love you so much and Frankie and Tommy love you too. Your father loves you also and most of all Maura loves you so much. Think about her if something were to happen to you. She would be lost. She was so lost and depressed during the six months you were gone. If she lost you again, I don't think she could get past it."

"Ma, I don't plan on anything happening to me that would cause Maura pain. I don't want to cause anyone pain. How upset was she while I was gone?"

"She moped around, cried, would not eat, became withdrawn like she was before she met you. I was so worried for her. She's like another daughter to me and I tried to help her, make her eat, get her to open up. She was broken, Jane. She really loves you."

"How do you feel about her loving me?"

Another odd question, but ok. "I think it is wonderful, Janie. We all need to be loved and feel love. You two are close and I think Maura would do anything to help you. She is good for you."

"Ma, how would you feel if I loved Maura?" Jane asked keeping her head down and not looking up at Angela.

Angela suddenly had an epiphany. Janie was talking about sin and the church because of the church's stance on homosexuality. Jane wanted to know how she felt about Jane being with Maura. Thank God! About time. Poor Jane, she was probably scared to even talk to me about this. I know she acts tough, but when it comes to disappointing her family, Jane would rather die than to think we were disappointed in her actions.

Angela reached over and took Jane's hands in hers and looked straight into Jane's eyes "Honey, I would be thrilled if you loved Maura. It has been obvious, even before you were taken, that you two had feelings for each other. I don't think you two realized it, but the rest of us around you noticed."

"What are you saying, Ma?"

"I'm saying that me, Frankie, Tommy, Frost and Korsak have all wondered when you two were going to realize your feelings and act on them. You both love each other so much and it is real, Jane, I have seen it. I don't care about a church's stance on this. I have seen how happy you two are around each other and that is all I need. If you were afraid I would be disappointed, I am not, but I will be if you do not do something to move your relationship forward. You know, you and Maura are not getting any younger and I want grandbabies."

Jane laughed and could not believe what her mother had just said. Not only is her mother ok with her and Maura as a couple, but Frankie, Tommy Frost and Korsak are ok with it too. 'Jane stood up and grabbed her mother's face with both hands and kissed her. "Thank you so much, Ma. This means the world to me." Jane stood and left the guesthouse to go back to the main house. Maura would be home shortly and they had a lot to discuss.

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