9: Say Hello

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Um so I didn't edit this so if you see any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out so I can fix them. I just cannot deal with editing rn. Okay, enjoy! Xoxo -Lily

I was drunk again, which wasn't surprising. Alcohol was good for forgetting, and if there was one thing I wanted to do it was to forget. I wanted to forget about loving Ashley and hating Ashley, about Kellin and his stupid words, about myself and my stupid actions, so I dragged Vic out to a gay bar with me and force fed him a shot because I knew he wanted to forget too. Vic didn't entirely approve of my methods, but he came along anyway, probably to make sure that I didn't pass out on anymore street corners.

"Whoa, slow down there," Vic said as I threw back another shot. I'd lost count of how many I'd had, but I didn't particularly care. I laughed and looked at Vic. "Why?" I asked. "I'm still standing which means that I'm not nearly drunk enough." Vic rolled his eyes, shaking his head at my antics.

"You think I can get someone to buy me a drink?" I mused. "I'm sick of spending my own money."

"Go for it," Vic laughed. "I haven't paid for myself for anything yet." I shot him a grin and stumbled off to go flirt with some guy until I got a whiskey out of him.  It was easier than I thought it would be, honestly.  Of course, I did end up paying in my own way, but I didn't really care.  Drunk Andy didn't mind being pushed up against a wall while some guy sloppily made out with him.  Drunk Andy didn't care that he was just being used.  Drunk Andy was having fun. 

"What do you say we head on back to my place?" the guy–I couldn't remember his name–said as he kissed my neck.  I giggled and bit my lip.  The idea was not entirely hateful, so I nodded.   "Yeah, sure," I said.  The guy nipped at my neck before pulling away.  His dark eyes gleamed in the low light and I shot him a grin. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the exit. I stumbled along and slammed into someone. "Ah, shit," I said in surprise. "Sorry." The person turned toward me and I was shocked to see it was Vic. I'd almost forgotten that I'd come here with him.

"Come on," the random guy whined, tugging on my arm. Vic looked at him with raised eyebrows and then back at me. "Um, my friend and I have to go actually," he said, pulling me toward him by the waist. My little fling looked a bit confused and I was sure that I did too. "What, why?" I complained.

"Because you're drunk and don't know what you're doing," Vic said before addressing that guy. "Sorry, man, maybe you'll get lucky next time." Then, Vic practically dragged me out of the club. His grip on my arm was tight and he looked determined. "Come on, Vic, I was having fun," I complained.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Vic replied as he waved down a taxi. "You wouldn't be having much fun when the buses left without you, though." He opened the taxi door for me and I slid in. Vic sat down next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Vic sighed and shook his head, but didn't push me away as I used him as a giant human pillow.

"Mm, you're cuddly," I said. Vic laughed lightly. "You're so drunk," he chuckled. I didn't reply since I was too busy falling asleep.


"Andy, get your lazy ass off me.  We're here."  Vic's voice roused me and I groaned. I didn't want to get up. I was all warm and cozy and getting out of the cab didn't seem like a good idea, but Vic kept nudging and poking me until I was forced to acquiesce to his demands.  I opened my eyes and sat up.  "Alright, alright.  I'm awake," I grumbled. 

"Good," Vic said, getting out of the cab.  "Come on."  I nodded and followed his lead.  Vic led me into the hotel we were all staying at, keeping a hand at the small of my back to stop me from toppling over. Thankfully, I was rooming alone this time, a miracle if you ask me, so I didn't have to worry about waking anyone up when we finally got up to my room.

Vic had followed me, presumably to make sure that I didn't get lost or pass out in the hallway. I opened the door and pulled him into the room with me, using him as support. "Where the hell have you-oh shit." My eyes flicked up to the speaker and I saw Kellin standing there, fully visible, his eyes wide and a shocked expression on his face. His form flickered a little bit as if he was tempted to just disappear, but he didn't.

"Andy, I think someone spiked my drink. I'm hallucinating really bad right now," Vic said from next to me.

"Um-uh-pfft-yeah, yup, you're-ah-hallucinating," I stumbled over my words. "There's no one here." Vic looked at me curiously, his eyes narrowed. "How do you know I was talking about someone and not just something? Also, why do you look so flustered?" he asked.

"F-flustered?" I stuttered, knitting my eyebrows together. "I'm not flustered. I don't know what you're talking about."

"God dammit, Andy, you're a terrible liar and, not to mention, you're very drunk right now. We might as well just tell him the truth," Kellin sighed. I have him a surprised look. I hadn't expected that. I would've thought he would want to keep it all a secret for a little longer.  "Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yes, I'm sure," he said firmly.  "He was going to find out eventually anyway." 

"Alright, if you say so."  I turn to the very befuddled Vic and smiled warmly.  "Vic, say hello to Kellin."

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