Chapter 5

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Dipper ran outside the Shack and leaned against a totem pole, his fists clenched from the feeling of both betrayal and anger towards the triangular demon. His eyes snapped shut, and he could feel himself drifting off.

"Hey, you're back? Did Pine Tree get my rift?" Dipper opened his eyes to see Bill floating in front of him, while rubbing his spindly black hands together eagerly.

"You lied to me, Bill!" Dipper cried. "Great Uncle Ford told me that if I gave the rift to you, I'd end the world!"

"He did, didn't he?" Dipper could almost clearly imagine a horrible smile on the demon's face. "No matter. A deal's a deal, and there's no backing out now...!" He extended his hand to the small boy, his eye shifting to a blood-red color. "NOW HAND ME THE RIFT, AND I'LL REPAY YOU WITH YOUR USELESS MEMORIES."

"B-But... I failed you! I don't have the rift with me!" The twelve-year-old felt a rush of courage as a smug smile crept across his face. But Bill's horrifying eye was still trained on him, and his confidence faded away. Dipper's stomach churned within him.

"You don't have the rift, huh?" Bill rested his hand on a little black cane floating in the air with him, his red eyes starting to loose their color. "Since the easy way doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon, we'll just have to go with the hard way." Bill's eyes were now glowing electric blue.

How often do his eyes change color? A disgusted Dipper wondered.

Bill's hands lit aflame, and he reached out towards Dipper. The surprises preteen yelped as he was lifted up in the air, up to about the triangle-demon's height. Dipper tried to recoil, but found himself stuck in the same position Bill had picked him up in. His thoughts struggled furiously. He felt like he was drowning.

"Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!" Dipper could do nothing but cry out in pain as Bill's skinny palms touched his forehead. Everything faded out until all Dipper could see was white.


Dipper awoke back in the real world, gasping for some much-needed air. But oddly enough, it seemed to whisk right through him. Thank God, it was just a dream.... His relieved mind echoed his physical feelings. "I guess the deal is off." He told himself aloud, and got up off the floor. He a tingling sensation in his toes, and looked down at his feet.

Dipper screamed. Shivers went down his spine, and snaked through his body in all directions. Panic sank into his brain like the Titanic. The Mystery Twin was floating in mid air beside the totem pole he had fell asleep against, and felt even more freaked out by what he saw at the wooden statue's base.

It was him. His body was leaned against the totem pole, eyes squeezed shut. A smile was frozen on his face. I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm dead! Dipper's mind cried frantically. Dipper waved his transparent arms in the air.

"Aww, wittle Pine Tree thinks his wittle 'ol life is over," Dipper could hear Bill's eerie voice rattling his brain, "I don't blame you, meatsack. Because that could be true...!"

"Bill! Where are you?! What did you do to me?!" Dipper cried, and covered his mouth unexpectedly. Why does my voice sound so echoey?!

Dipper's eyes widened as he spied his body stand up stiffly, eyes still closed. It awkwardly moved it's head up at the terrified boy, smiling so wide that the face could've been split it two. The eyelids fluttered open.

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