Chapter 2

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Wendy had just finished her shift at the Mystery Shack, which reopened now that Dipper wasn't in the hospital anymore. Maybe I should go check on them, she thought to herself, and climbed the creaky stairs to the twin's room. The redhead entered the attic to see Mabel watching Dipper look through a book.

Wendy bended over to peer at the book's contents. "A scrapbook?" She thought aloud, and Mabel nodded.

"I thought if he looked through our scrapbook, he might remember who is is again!" She grabbed the camera resting on the other side of her, and aimed a photo shoot at Wendy and Dipper. "Scrapbook opportunity!" She pushed a button and sent a blinding flash their way, and Wendy shielded her eyes. When it passed, she rubbed her eyes, and looked at Dipper. He seemed unaffected by the photo-blast, too busy looking at pictures to notice.

She got down on her knees next to the focused amnesiac, and put a hand on his shoulder. Dipper squeaked in alarm, and faced her. "Oh. H-Hi.... Win.... Windy...?" He searched for her name reluctantly.

"Close, it's actually-"

"Wendy!" Mabel interrupted, and pointed at the recent photo of the redhead lumberjack shielding her eyes in an awkward position. Dipper nodded a quick thank you, and continued to read.

Wendy sighed at looked over to Mabel. "What are we going to do with him...?" She questioned her. "Maybe we should just take him to a regular doctor. No offense or anything, they just might actually know what they're doing."

Mabel laughed. "Nah, he's fine." The twelve-year-old gestured to Dipper. "Look at him! He seems to remember enjoying reading anyways."

Dipper looked at Mabel, a confused look on his face. "Maple? What's that?" He pointed to a book high up on a shelf. The Journal.

Wendy paused. "Look, I don't thin-"

"That's your Great Uncle Ford's Journal!" Mabel interjected quickly. "We always go looking for stuff on adventures with it." She jumped off the bed and dashed to the book, removing it from the shelf and sliding it over to her twin.

Dipper squinted his eyes as he skimmed through the Journal's contents. "This stuff is ridiculous." He said, and showed a page with information about ghosts on it to her. "Ghosts? Did I really look for this stuff?"

"Come on, you loved that thing!" Mabel tried to correct him, and pulled him off the ground by the arm. "Follow me, I'll show you! We can go on an adventure right now!" Before Dipper could respond, he was already out of the room.

Wendy opened the door after them, and watched them go down the stairs. She tried to take her mind off the craziness, and pulled out her phone from her pocket. "Maybe I'll go see what my friends are doing," she told herself, but thought, Geez, I'm really worried...


Dipper watched as Maple, err, Mabel unlocked the door to the Shack, and dashed outside. He followed, his legs weak from lying in a hospital bed for so long. Mabel skidded to a stop, and he peeked over his sister's shoulder as she scanned the pages of the book for adventure.

"Let's see, gnomes... No way... Zombies? No.." She muttered as she flipped through the pages. Suddenly, she came across a page that lit up her gaze. "Ooh! Vampire teen!" She exclaimed dreamily.

Dipper rubbed his head in confusion, which was something he had been doing a lot lately. Even more so when he had looked at the scrapbook. Sure, at least he knew he could trust his sister now. But it still felt weird... I wish I knew who I was.

"Hello? Sir Dippingsauce?" He snapped out of his thoughts to see Mabel shaking him. "Let's go! The Journal says he hangs out in the forest."

Dipper blinked. "Uh, sure," he replied timidly, even though he had a sinking feeling this idea would end terribly.

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