5 - Dream Come True

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Bright light woke me up, harshly glaring directly onto my eyelids. My head was throbbing and my neck stung. I immediately wished I couldn't remember last nights dream, but it ran over and over through my head. The girl was haunting me.

I lazily stretched my limbs out, flinching at the stinging of my arms as my fresh wounds hit the cold air. I wondered if Aurel was still asleep; she seemed like an early riser but no sound from her direction indicated her being awake. I opened my eyes, preparing to embarrass myself in some way; she wasn't there. The space where she should be was empty, so was Skye's bed. A white piece of paper folded up on Aurel's desk caught my eye.

"You looked exhausted when we woke up, so we left you to sleep. We're having breakfast in the food hall, we'll see you there – Aurel."

It was then I realised I had no clothes to change into. Aurel was too tall to borrow clothes off, and nothing would prepare me for Skye's reaction to seeing me in her clothes.

I walked back to C5, contemplating the odds of running into someone I knew. Especially Cal; I was usually a pacifist, but Cal had somehow managed to get under my skin.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to knock, it was the polite thing to do if Cal was still there. But it was also my room, I shouldn't have to knock. I settled on knocking twice before opening the door, to warn her that I was coming in.

Daisy was sat on the bed, her hair had been thrown back into a messy bun and mascara smudges ringed her eyes. She stifled a yawn and smiled broadly at me.

"Out all night on your first night here? God, you're gonna be fun!" She was chuckling to herself, amused at the thought of my 'wild night out'.

"I stayed with Aurel, I didn't want to... disturb you and Cal," I told her delicately. She scowled momentarily but swiftly smiled again. She was just as neurotic as she was friendly.

"Right! Okay, let's get dressed for breakfast! I wonder what they've cooked today? Cereal's okay, but you can never really go wrong with a fry-up, can you? But I guess if I keep talking, we'll miss even the cereal." She chattered on incessantly as we both changed.

I was aiming to look nondescript, in a plain jumper and jeans. Daisy, on the other hand, was dressed in a pastel blue dress that ended just above her knees. She wasn't trying to blend in anywhere.

"Ready? I'm dying for coffee!" I hadn't failed to notice the electic kettle she had sitting on her dresser, and the mugs strewn around her side of the room. It looked like her hyper personality was a serious case of the coffee jitters. I laughed as she linked my arm and we walked out together.

"We have psychology first, with Skye! It's the only lesson we have together, so I hope you can sit by us. Your timetable shows the rest of your lessons, we have four a day. It doesn't sound like much but, believe me, the teachers try and cram as much as they can into our heads!"

"I, uh, don't have my timetable with me. I didn't think I'd need it." How stupid? What made me think I wouldn't need my timetable with me? Looking back, I could see my mistake.

"That's okay! You're with me first, and then with Aurel for the other three, so there's always someone who can show you where to go."

"I don't know I feel about tagging after Aurel so much."

"She doesn't seem to dislike you, just ask her! She won't mind."

"If you say so," I mumbled. "So, where's Cal this morning?"

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