9 - An Artistic Chaos

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It was almost midnight when I decided to go back to my room. After arguing that it was too dangerous to walk alone, I reluctantly allowed Clover to walk me back.

"Okay, don't get me wrong, I think you're great and we definitely want to hang round with you," Clover started as we were almost at mine.

"But?" I dreaded her reply, wondering what baggage they saw in me.

"Please, please, please don't lead Felix on. He falls too hard and too fast, and I can tell that he already likes you. Just be careful, yeah?"

That wasn't what I was expecting to hear.

"Believe me, I'm not trying to do anything like that. I don't want to complicate anything, I want an easy term."

"Complicate what things?"

"Well, you probably know that I'm interested in Aurel. I don't want to be seen with other people, it's not the image I want."

"She's not a good person, May. What do you even see in her?"

"I can't explain it, Clover. What I saw last night, she's not as bad as she tries to make out. It's a front."

"Still, she's rude to everyone. I don't care about fronts, it's how you treat others that defines you. You're so worried of complicating things, but can't you see she's the problem?"

"You must admit that from her point of view, I've been flirting with a few different people."

We reached the door to my dorm room, which was, of course, locked. I knocked, and had to wait for Daisy to open it. It was only expected that I'd be locked out of my dorm room again. I'd left anything of use in the room this morning, including my keys.

"I wonder how easy it is to complicate everything?" Clover muttered, before turning to smile at me.

"Just coming!" Daisy called; I could hear her talking to somebody inside, but I couldn't figure out who.

"I'm sorry, May, but this is necessary." I didn't understand what she meant. The doorknob twisted and clinked as someone unlocked it; simultaneously, Clover shot me an apologetic look.

"Well, I better be off, May. Remember, Felix will pick you up tomorrow night for your date. Nice seeing you, Aurel!" Her voice was laced with sarcasm as she spoke, giving Aurel a cheery wave before retreating down the hall to leave me with Aurel's quiet anger.

"So, are you interested in him?" she asked quietly.

"I don't quite believe you need to know that," I huffed. She laughed – a quiet, humourless sound.

"Intervention!" I heard Daisy call from inside the room. Aurel strode past me, bumping my shoulder as she did. I laughed at her immaturity and walked into my room. I sat on the bed, crossed legged and facing Daisy, who was sat holding a pillow against her face.

"I give up! You're all children!" Her wails came out muffled against the thick pillow.

"I don't understand, Daisy. What is her problem?" I threw my hands up, completely at a loss.

"If I could explain it to you now, I would. But it all spans out, I don't even understand all of it. It's much deeper than what I can speak about."

"So what should I do? Should I leave you alone?" I meant to say this rhetorically, but her head lifted up as she considered it.

"Well, maybe just Aurel for a while. Let everything cool down, your first day has been pretty eventful. I don't know why she's being so hostile right now, maybe she's embarrassed about letting you see her so upset. Whatever. But you need to settle in properly without the additional stress, you know? The rest of the group focus pretty much on Aurel, but someone needs to think about you. You have no idea what's going on and you've been thrown into the school a few months into term. You've been treated like crap, when all you've done is be kind. Avoid her for yourself, okay? Do yourself a favour."

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