8 - Balance Your Friends

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I remained where I sat, even after she left. Once I had gathered my thoughts again, I decided to make my way to class. Students were filing out of the classes, barging past me while I tried to find my next room. I had no idea where I was going.

"Move over!"

"Why would she just stand there? Idiot!"

People muttered and complained to their friends as they passed me, either unaware that I could hear them or hoping I could so I'd move. I stumbled to the side of the corridor, my head spinning. I couldn't remember where Daisy told me I was going.

"We have Literature now," the smooth voice was in my ear again, pushing every boundary. I turned to face Aurel, quickly realising she was a lot closer than I'd imagined. I leaned in closer, completely unable to resist this girl. She raised a hesitant hand to move a tendril of my hair out of my face, pushing it gently behind my ear. Her cold hand moved onto my cheek, holding it gently. She looked as scared as I felt but her eyes closed and her expression morphed into one of content. In an instant, they snapped open again, and she abruptly turned on her heel, stalking off. I could practically feel the eyes that followed me as I stumbled after her into Literature.

I searched around the room for a friendly face, and after finding none, resulted to looking for Aurel. To my relief, I saw an empty seat beside her, so I made my way over. I hovered behind it, not sure where I stood.

"This wouldn't be Kendra's seat, by any chance?" I joked weakly, hoping to break the thick tension we had let build up. To my surprise she flashed me a dazzling smile and chuckled quietly.

"She can move."

Our teacher, Imara, was a woman with a strong presence. She was also my personal tutor and called me outside for a brief chat.

"Everything okay so far?" Her angled eyes bore into me during the chat, and I felt a strange mix of vulnerability and relief.

"Fine, I guess."

"You guess?"

"The police came and interviewed Aurel and I about Katy. I think they suspect us of something."

"Ah, I heard about you and Miss. Laurence. It would be wise to aim for a successful, calm time here at Ambrose." Her brows furrowed as she spoke.

"I didn't try to get accused of murder," I snapped. Imara's eyes widened. "Oh God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that!"

"It's okay," she smiled. "If it was me, I wouldn't be too calm either. But don't do it again." She had an edge to her that told me she didn't take any shit.

"I won't," I nodded. "I just want to settle down."

"That's exactly what I'm here for, to help lost souls settle in the school. The headmistress, Thea, is a very busy woman so you won't see much of her. Any queries or issues, come to me. Got that?"

I nodded.

"Other than the police, is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Not really, but I didn't hurt Katy. I didn't even know who she was until today!"

"If the Laurence's haven't already buried whatever came up, I'll make it my job to get you out of that. I know you're innocent, don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Imara. Wait, what do you mean about burying it?"

"I wouldn't worry about it. Their father is pretty influential, so the accusation won't hang in the air for long. Now, back into class."

She ushered me back to my seat. Aurel didn't even look up as I joined her, she kept her eyes fixed on her work. We had very little chance to speak, probably to the relief of the both of us. Imara filled me in - we were studying poetry, we had to pick a poem and analyse it, eventually writing a complete piece on the poem. I was stuck between the choices of 'Lamia' and 'Giaour', and between wanting an easy term but also wanting good grades. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aurel peek at my poems.

The Ambrose Clique - now published on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now