12 - History of Witches

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Daisy was doing her homework at her desk when I came in, surrounded by empty coffee cups. She looked up and smiled brightly, closing her laptop. "You okay, May?"

I started to nod in response but gave up and shook my head tiredly, flopping onto my bed. "I just spoke to Thea, she told me she knows about my dreams."

At the mention of my dreams, a crease appeared between Daisy's eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I swear, she knows everything about everything." I proceeded to tell her what Thea had said; as I spoke, her face became more and more concerned, the crease deepening considerably.

"You're gonna have to talk to Skye," she told me matter of factly, taking a sip from her coffee.

"Yes, I suppose. I need to stay away from the group, though." Fear rose in my voice, fear of a teenage girl. Skye shouldn't be that scary, but the tune she hummed still echoed in my head at night.

"From Aurel, who isn't around right now. Just go over now and get it done with."

"Where is Aurel? What do you mean she's not around? I thought the clique stayed on campus."

"I can't tell you, she'll be back soon though. It shouldn't matter anyway, you don't know the girl. Just drop it." She sighed.

"I'll go and speak to Skye then," I said, getting up. I left our dorm and walked down the corridor to C12. I knocked lightly on the door, hoping she wasn't in. Fate was not looking upon me kindly; the door swung open and Skye stood before me, confused.

"What do you want?" Her lip curled as she spoke.

"Thea sent me. Believe me, I don't want to be here any more than you want me to. She told me to tell you that it's time, or something?" I couldn't be bothered fighting with her, if Thea wanted us to talk then we needed to talk.

"It's time? You mean, you are?" She became animated, her eyes widening and her mouth twisting into something that could almost be mistaken for a smile, if I didn't know her any better. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

"I'm what?" Her shock died down as sudden as it started.

"You don't know? Well, it's Saturday tomorrow so come round at nine. I'll help you."

* * *


Almost nine. I'd been checking the clock periodically; it taunted me with each minute it got closer to the dreaded hour.

"May, you should set off now!" Daisy seemed to have more of an idea of what was happening than me, but she wouldn't tell me what Skye had planned. I grabbed my back, packed with food, keys, and my phone.

"Oh wait!" she called as I neared the door. "Cal told me to warn you that Aurel and Jaspar's father is visiting soon for our annual meal. It's a family dinner of sorts."

"Warn me?"

"Uh, Charles is sort of homophobic and hates Aurel having girlfriends. It wouldn't be good for anyone if he saw the two of you together. I mean, it's not exactly like neither of you are interested."

"Well, I've already promised to stay away. Can't do more than that."

"Please don't go near him." Her tone took on a desperate edge but I was too tired to probe further. I was tired all of the time lately, probably result of waking up every night. I reluctantly said goodbye to Daisy and made my way to C12. I hated that I secretly wanted to run into Aurel.

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