1. Acquainted

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"Love, which absolves no one beloved from loving,

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"Love, which absolves no one beloved from loving,

seized me so strongly with his charm that,
as you see, it has not left me yet.

Love brought us to one death."

-Dante Alighieri, Inferno

"I'm coming for you," a soft whisper echoed in my bedroom walls. I tossed and turned in my warm bed, covering my ears with a pillow, wishing the familiar echo would come to a stop. A cold gust of wind removed my blanket, exposing my goose-bumped legs. Strong, chilled fingers tucked loose strands of hair away from my face, sending chills down my spine. "We will see each other soon," that familiar voice whispered again. I opened my eyes, sat up, and took a mouthful of air, trying to calm my pounding heart.

Ever since I was a little girl, my dreams always included of him. He never showed his face. His cool voice whispering in my ear, begging me to say three simple words he has been waiting for me to say are the norm of these dreams. However, there were nights when I swore I could feel how silky his dark hair through my fingers or how muscular his chest was. Maybe I was going crazy. "Or maybe you just need a boyfriend," my best friend, Angelo, would say.


My gaze turned to the clock next to my bed; 9 am. I forced myself to leave the warm embrace of my bed and headed to the bathroom. Dark circles ringed my brown eyes from another sleepless night and my long tousled brown hair was a rat's nest. I used a small amount of makeup to hide them and wore the outfit I prepared the night before.

I passed by my parents' empty bedroom. They had an early shift and left me a cold omelet in the microwave. I ate my breakfast alone in our rundown apartment. It has been too long since my family and I ate breakfast together. It was my senior year in high school and they worked more hours to help save up for the expensive tuition. It was almost Christmas and none of us could afford to buy each other gifts.

After finishing my breakfast, I went up to my room and fished out the money I've saved from work to buy my parents Christmas gifts. I smiled, proud of myself. I was able to save enough money and I couldn't wait until they open their presents. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang.

"Hey Celeste, I'm here. Are you ready?" A smooth accented voice asked.

"I'll be right out!"

My best friend Angelo De Rege waited in his brand new Ferrari. The neighborhood I lived in caused the car to stand out from my neighbors' beat up cars. A strong wind blew against my face. I was glad I decided to wear my red coat in this chilly November morning in California. I flashed a warm smile as I opened the door of the car and sat down.

"Are we still heading to the Venice Mall?" Angelo asked turning his strong body towards me

"Of course!" I replied with a grin.

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