10. Dangerous Touch

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Hi everyone! After a whole month of waiting, here is Chapter 10! Please don't forget to follow me, comment, vote, share this book to your friends, and add this book to your libraries! Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this chap...

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Hi everyone! After a whole month of waiting, here is Chapter 10! Please don't forget to follow me, comment, vote, share this book to your friends, and add this book to your libraries! Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this chapter! Also, updates will be more frequent after June 1st! *Warning: this chapter is unedited so there will be mistakes.*

Song: "Powerful" by Ellie Goulding


"Fear cuts deeper than swords."  
  ― George R.R. Martin

I couldn't pay attention in Economics class. Although the early warm rays of sunshine brought me peace for a moment, the knot of fear in my stomach refused to go away. I usually fall asleep in this class, but after learning of Daemon's game, I'm afraid to fall asleep even for a second. After the visit to the Nether Realm, I avoided the darkness, fearing that smooth pale hands would emerge from the darkness and drag me back to hell. I haven't slept for two days and surprisingly, I was wide awake. My teacher, Mr. Melton continued to drone about the importance of GDP to the national economy and the next words he said after, I tuned out.

I turned and saw Angelo give me his usual warm smile in class mouthing "I'm bored" while rolling his eyes. I gave him a wide grin just to hide the fact that I haven't slept for two days and the fact I was so dizzy. Thank the Lord for concealer and makeup.

Blinking a few times to prevent myself from succumbing to sleep, a small piece of paper hit my cheek and fell on my desk

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Blinking a few times to prevent myself from succumbing to sleep, a small piece of paper hit my cheek and fell on my desk. Out of habit, I glanced at Brittany who was giving me a knowing look. I read the note, pretending as if I was reading the textbook when my teacher's suspicious eyes landed on me.

You look like crap, have you slept at all? The note read.

I glanced at Brittany and shook my head. The bell rang and I gathered my things before the small hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I looked around the almost empty classroom only to see busy students gathering their stuff.

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