21. Rescue

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Hi everyone! Here's another update for Enamored! I'm going to college in mid-September so I'm trying to finish Enamored as much as I can :) I hope you all liked this chapter

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Hi everyone! Here's another update for Enamored! I'm going to college in mid-September so I'm trying to finish Enamored as much as I can :) I hope you all liked this chapter. See you guys on Wednesday!

Song: Relax My Beloved x Alex Clare

"She was looking at him as if he'd just dropped fully formed from the sky."

― Julia Quinn, An Offer From a Gentleman



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"It was too good to be true." I said as my mind calculated the events that occurred in the game. Next to me, the clock read, 3:00 am and all of us were wide awake. Seeing my father's soul in Chinvat confirmed my worst fears; Daemon would do anything to have me surrender.

"This game was too easy compared to...the last one we had." I choked near the end of my sentence when I remembered Summer's death vividly.

Brittany sighed and sat on the worn out couch in my apartment. "It's because Ted's fear was an irrational fear. It was only applied to him, unlike mine and Daniel's it affected all of you guys."

"Hey! My fear was really scary!" Ted interjected.

"Of course, Teddy Bear. Whatever you say." Brittany replied sarcastically.

"Guys! Be quiet, Celeste's Mom is sleeping." Daniel said.

Ignoring the fight that was about to ensue between Brittany and Ted, I looked at Angelo who was sitting on the floor cross legged with his eyes closed.

Sliding next to him and resting my head on his shoulder, I asked him, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel much better." He replied, giving me a small smile as he pulled me closer to his embrace.

Brittany and Ted stopped arguing and began to raid the fridge for food with Daniel leaving me and Angelo alone.

"I wish I'm already 18, so I can heal you whenever you feel in pain." I murmured.

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