3. Divulged

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              "I am intrigued by the smile upon your face, and the sadness within your eyes"

                                                                       ― Jeremy Aldana

I went to the living room when suddenly, I doubled over in pain. I gasped for air my hand clutching my stomach and my throat. I couldn't breathe and the pain in my stomach felt as if I've been stabbed. Beads of sweat formed in my forehead and black spots filled my vision before a smooth mischievous voice echoed in my small apartment.

"Well, it took awhile for them to leave."

Dear Lord, please help me, I thought. I fell on the rigid icy floor wheezing for air. My eyelids struggled to remain open for the owner of the voice that loomed over me. I felt strong icy hands lift me up bridal style to my room. My head unintentionally rested on the stranger's muscular chest. My breathing stabilized and the pain left when our skin touched replaced with the familiar sentiment of fear.

The stranger settled me on my bed and that's when I had a closer look of their features. His black silky hair was swept to the side emphasizing his strong jaw while his emotionless blue eyes gazed into my brown ones. It was the man I saw at the mall. One name flashed in my head when he gave me his signature smirk; Daemon.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" I rasped my throat dry. Fear crept into my skin leaving goose bumps and the hair on my neck to stand up. Thoughts of me ending up in a ditch swam in my mind as my eyes darted across my small room to look for a potential weapon I can use against him. I wished I asked Angelo to stay because I am defenseless and alone with the devil himself.

"Now now Celeste is that how you would treat your savior?" he taunted.

"Watch your tone." He warned his frosty blue eyes flashing. He paced inside my small room, speculating an old teddy bear sitting on my desk. Daemon still looked the same the last time I saw him. He wore a dark shirt that emphasized his pale muscled body and the onyx snake tattoo on his forearm. His aura screamed danger and death, yet I sat still on my bed, frozen.

"I don't have any money. Take whatever you want and leave." I blurted out.

"I don't want your money." He said slowly. He stalked towards my bed where I sat and put both his hands on the wall over my head trapping me. He leaned in close causing me to cower under his gaze and his crisp pine scent sent me into a dizzy spell.

"I want you."

My breath caught. He saw my reaction and smirked. "Technically, I want your soul." Daemon moved away and sat on the small couch across my bed and crossed his legs. I sat up straighter although his presence has taken its toll on me. My room became even smaller with him inside.

"You're crazy." I growled. I was sick of feeling weak and scared. Although the fear was still there, I refused to back down until Daemon leaves.

"My boyfriend will be here soon and he'll kick your ass." Angelo's face flashed in my mind. It was a lie, but I'll say anything for Daemon to leave.

He threw his head back and laughed. "You don't have a boyfriend, Celeste." He looked at me with amusement. I glared at him.

Daemon rolled his eyes and sighed. "Enough with the drama. Stop moving, shut your mouth, and things will go as smoothly as possible." He snapped his fingers and I lost sensation of my limbs. They remained like heavy weights; I was paralyzed.

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