2. Intoxicated

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"Forbidden fruit is always very intriguing

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"Forbidden fruit is always very intriguing...though never as tasty as one imagined it would be."

Claudy Conn, Runaway Heart

I hung the coat I bought my mother in my closet and hid the shoes I bought my father as well. The two items were expensive and it took me two paydays before I could buy them. I smiled as I ran my hands through the thick material of the coat. I couldn't wait for them to open it on Christmas. I heard a crash and curses outside my room.

"You're an idiot, Ted." Brittany scolded.

I stepped outside my room and saw a broken plate and Ted's apologetic face.

"It's alright, as long as no one got hurt." I said picking up the pieces. As I pick up another, the sharp edge of the plate sliced my palm.

I winced at the pain. As always, Angelo came to my rescue. He was freaking out.

"Celeste, you should have been more careful!" He scolded as he leads me to the sink. He turned the knob and I watch red rivulets wash down the gray sink. My hand stung but it disappeared when Angelo wrapped a towel around it to dry it and placed a large band aid on it. I looked up at him. I had to crane my neck just to stare into his hazel eyes. I could stare into them forever.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He whispered softly. My heart beat faster when he uttered those words.

"You're my best friend." He added.

I shook my thoughts away. Angelo is my best friend since I could remember. It was normal for him to worry about me. My heart sank. He won't see me more than just a friend. He leaned in closer and I took a step back.

"We need to go back." I said tonelessly.

He nodded curtly.

Four of my friends lounged in the old beaten couch of my apartment eating pizza and watching an episode of The Walking Dead.

"Finally! Where were you guys? Did you make out in the kitchen or something?" Brittany snickered and laughing her head off. I rolled my eyes.

I wish.

"Hey what's in this black box?" Summer pointed out as she peeled away the intricate tie of the silky red sash.

"They're red apples. I got it from the boutique I told you guys about." I replied, taking two slices of pizza.

"Weird." Daniel murmured.


"There's a note in here."

"What does it say?" I asked pushing Daniel's lanky form out of the way so I could take a closer look.

"Ow Celeste, calm down." He complained. I took the white glossy paper from his hands and read it out loud.

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