Host Club? Really?

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Airi's POV

Pure shock. That was the expression that the host club had. It took all my willpower not to smirk.

"It seems like I need to explain. You see, after my mother's death, I was taken away by my aunt to inherit the company. That was when I was five years old. I haven't seen Haruhi ever since I left so I believe the reaction you saw is reasonable. Oh and I also believe Mr. Ootori knew this. Am I right?" I said with a hint of amusement in my voice.

I smirked seeing the reaction of the club and the Ootori. He didn't know any of that information. Writing swiftly in the black notebook in his hands, he snapped it shut, regaining his composure. I'm pretty sure I heard Haruhi snicker.

"Well Mr. Fujioka, shall we introduce ourselves? My name is-"

"Kyoya Ootori. The third son of Yukio Ootori. Your family really deserves their name of greatest medical company." He only smirks at my explanation. Then, a pair of ginger-haired twins magically appeared with mischievous grins

"Hey Ai-kun. We are the Hittachin twins!" They say in perfect unison.

"I'm Hikaru." The one on the left says. "And I'm Kaoru." The other says. Before I could reply, I saw the world around me spin. "Ai-chan!" The world stopped spinning, only for me to see Mitsukuni Haninozuka, the son of the best martial artist in Japan.

"Hey Ai-chan! Want to have cake with me and Usa-chan? Oh and Takashi too?" He then held up to my face a pink stuffed bunny that seemed to be blushing. Then the "giant" came behind the small boy. Does he think that will make me feel intimidated?

"I'm sorry Haninozuka-sempai, but I can't for I only came to be with my brother. Now if you will excuse me." I bowed elegantly and make my way towards Haruhi. I put my and on her head and tilted it so she could face me. I found it cute that after all these years she's still shorter than me.

"Haruhi I'll be at the house tonight okay? Please be a good kid until I get back." I put on one of my rare smiles. But this isn't one of the smiles I show to the press and business partners. This is a true, genuine smile with no sadness. My smile seemed to attract the attention of the room.

"Hai! Of course!" Haruhi looked up at me with a big grin and her eyes sparkled with admiration. Her response seemed to shock this club even more.

Oh well.

With my smile long gone, I walked out of the silent room with my hands in my pockets and the heels of my shoes clicking against the marble floor. Once the doors closed, I heard yelling from inside the room.

Ah, the one yelling the loudest must be Tamaki Suoh. He is the son Yuzuru Suoh who is the chairman of this Academy. Though he may seem mature to the eyes of others, Haruhi has called to tell me many interesting stories about that young man.

After I walked in the long hallways to my classroom I sat down in my seat and lay my head down on my desk. Maybe I will close my eyes just for a little bit....


'Haruhi will you hurry up? It's almost rush hour and we haven't gotten any groceries for dinner tonight!" Two little girls were running down a sidewalk.

The oldest of the pair had caramel brown, boyish hair with icy blue eyes. She was wearing a red shirt with black stripes, a pair of grey cargo shorts, and a pair of red sneakers.

The youngest girl had long brown hair with big brown eyes. This little girl had on a pink dress, sandals, and a sunhat. "Please wait Onee-san!"

Suddenly, a big blast of wind came to the two siblings. "Ahh! My hat!" Both looked up to see that the sunhat was stuck in a tree.

The youngest looked down at the ground with tears at the corners of her eyes. "Oh well, there is nothing that we can do so lets go and get the groceries." When Haruhi began to walk foreword, she didn't hear her sisters' footsteps behind her so she turned around, only to see her big sister climbing the tree.

When she finally made it to the top, she turned to her little sister with a big smile etched on her face. Haruhi looked at her with eyes gleaming admiration and respect. As soon as the big sister came down, Haruhi tackled her in a big hug.


I slowly opened my eyes to reveal my vibrant blue eyes only to see a large crowd of girls surrounding my desk with blush coating their faces and big grins stretched from ear to ear.


I shall now be prepared for inhumanly, high pitched squealing. Fantastic. I continued to stare at them which seemed to make them uncomfortable. Surprisingly, a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes spoke up.

"Ano, Kage-kun, you look really cute when you sleep!"




They saw me asleep? I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I suddenly stood up, the sound of my chair screeching against the floor hurting my ears. All eyes were on me now. My bangs covered my eyes. I lifted my head to glare at the girls. Though it didn't look very intimidating considering that my cheeks and ears are so red that a tomato would be jealous.

"Sh-sh-shut up! I-I am not cute! And don't watch me while I'm sleeping either!" I picked my chair back up and sat down. Grabbing my book from my bag, I decided to read and cool down. I glanced at the girls around the room and saw them blushing hard and giggling about something about cuteness.


I don't care. I turned to my right only to see the twins taking pictures and Haruhi smirking at me. My eyes widened and heat crawled up my face once again. I placed my head on my desk and covered my face with my arms.


Today really is tiring. I hoped that people wouldn't find out my weakness so quickly.

I felt a light tap on my arm. I turned my head over to see the twins and Haruhi looking at me with wide grins on their stupid faces.

"Ne, Ai-kun, could it be that you don't like it when others watch you sleep?"

Damn twins. Why are they so synchronized?"

I sat up straight on my chair. Slowly, I took deep breathes.





Ok, I am now calm.

I turned my body towards the idiotic twins and my sister.

"Yes, I absolutely hate it when people watch me sleep. Do you know how hard it is to have somebody watch you sleep then comment about it the next morning? It is not amusing!"

My voice got gradually louder as my ranting went on, and it seemed to frighten the trio.

The twins were first to speak. "Wow Ai-kun. You seem to be speaking from experience."

Once again I rested my head on my desk with my arms covering my face.

"You have no idea."


Hello my wonderful readers!

Edited a few things~



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I love you all!!! ❤️

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