Chapter Two

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Shawn's POV

After we calmed down from watching Lassie's reaction, we set up the picnic and talked for a while. We told Lassie about the engagement, and explained about the girls. We had a nice time, that was until my phone rang. "Hello" I answered.

"Hey, Shawn, your dad is looking for you, he said you haven't answered his calls and he was worried."

"Alright, I'll call him, thanks Gus."

I hung up and called my dad. He was complaining saying that I was suppose to go fishing with him today. I just told him that I was busy today and promised him that I would meet him for dinner at his house later. I told Jules and she agreed. Even though this meant explaining to another person about what had happened.

After a few hours, we went back to the house and relaxed. Today has been crazy, I got engaged, became a father, and now I have to go see my father. Which I'm not looking forward to. I told him that I was bring three children and Juliet and said I'd explain later. Juliet, meanwhile, called that girl who's planning the reunion and told her we were bringing three kids with us.

At around 8:00pm we headed to my dad's house. I explained what happened as he freaked out on me. He kept saying that no one should ever trust me with another life. I ended up getting angry and we left. Although, for some reason he felt bad about it, drank, and ended up sleeping over.

He wasn't drunk, but he couldn't drive. He apologized and said he wishes we would stop fighting. Except, he continued to say I'll probably mess up being a father. I just wish he would believe in me. He never has, and probably never will.

At about 2:00 am Julie started crying. Jules woke up too but I told her to sleep since she has to work today. I walked over to Julie's crib, which was in our room, and held her. She stopped crying instantly.

Julie is in our room because there is no other room. Dad is on the couch, and the twins are in the only guest room. We definitely need more space. I was looking at houses earlier right after Jules went to sleep, but I haven't found anything.

After Julie calmed down, I took her into the kitchen and got her a bottle. I put her in her bouncer while I warmed and checked the bottle. Then I picked her up and fed her while I sat on the chair next to the couch.

I noticed my dad move and knew he was awake so I turned on the light. "I know you're awake."

"I know. I was just watching you. You're really good with her."

"Thanks, she's a bit of a daddy's girl. Whether I'm her real daddy or not."

"You're the only daddy she'll know. The twins seem to like you."

"Yeah, they're sweet, but they mostly hang on Jules while I'm usually the one with Julie. I don't have favorites, but I just think the twins are more comfortable with Jules than me since they're actually related."

"There is nothing wrong with that as long as they know you care."

"I know. It's weird, I feel as if I've been doing this forever even though I've just met the girls today."

"I know, that's how I felt when you where born. Everything changes."

"Yeah, I have to start looking at schools for Ava and Bella. I told Jules I'd look while she's at work. And I want to surprise her by finding a house since this place isn't big enough for a family."

"Well, I wanted to wait to tell you, but that guy Declan asked me to tell you that he is building a house on the other end of his property, pretty far from his place but not far from here, and he wants to know if you and Juliet are interested. He also said that it'll only cost you about a thousand to move in and you don't have to pay any bills for it. He said it's an early wedding gift."

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