Chapter Three

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Shawn's POV

The next day, I woke up earlier to get ready for the funeral. I pulled out the suit that was hanging in my closet and set it on my bed and went in the shower. When I got out, I saw that Jules was waiting. I stepped aside so she could get through and I got dressed. After I was done, I went to the girls' room. I saw that Julie was still sleeping, and the twins were waiting to find out what they were supposed to wear. I walked over to their closet and pulled out the dresses that Jules had bought for them. I handed the dresses and matching shoes to them, grabbed the stuff for Julie, picked up and changed Julie, and took Julie to another room and put her in her outfit.

After everyone was dressed, I put Julie in her car seat and we drove to the diner for breakfast. We talked and ate before driving to the funeral home. We were greeted by Juliet's mom and stepdad. We were told to sit in the first row with Juliet's other brother. Sadly Ewen couldn't make it since he's still in jail. The service was nice. Afterward we went to watch them bury the casket into the ground.

When everything was done, we went to Wal-Mart to find back to school stuff since the girls start school on Monday (today is Saturday). After we found everything, we went to the car dealership and traded in my motorcycle for a minivan. Apparently I need to have a minivan instead of a normal car according to Juliet. She still won't tell me why.

Jules has been acting strange lately. It's like she's trying to keep a secret and she knows she can't. I hope she's okay. It might just be the stress of having the girls.

When we get home, it's about 9:00pm so we send the girls off to bed and sat down on the couch to talk. Maybe she'll explain what's going on. I'm really worried about her. She sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. "What's going on Jules?"

"So I'm sure you've noticed that I've been acting weird lately."


"Well, the reason why is, I'm pregnant."

"Jules, that's great."

"With triplets."

"Even better, more to love."

"I'm so happy that you're okay with this."

"I'm better than okay."

"That's perfect."

"When should we tell the girls?"

"I was thinking tomorrow."

"Great, we should probably head to bed."

"Yeah, let's go."

Next day...

In the morning, we got up and went to breakfast. While we where eating, we decided that now was a good time. Jules grabbed my hand and spoke. "Girls, we have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Bella asked

"Is something wrong?" Ava wondered

"Nothing's wrong, but we do have some really exciting news." Jules replied

"Your momma's gonna have a baby." I said

"Actually three, I'm having triplets." Jules added

"Awesome!" Ava said

"That's so cool!" Bella said with a huge smile matching her twin sister's.

"I'm so happy that you're as excited as we are." Jules said also smiling.

When we got home, Jules had to go to work, the girls had to get ready for school tomorrow, and I needed something to do. I decided that I'd call Gus to come over. I don't think he has work today. I called him and he agreed to come over.

Once Gus got here, I told him about Juliet. He was also happy. Sadly, our happiness ended when my phone rang. It was the chief and she needed us on a case. I called my dad to come watch the girls and Gus and I went to the station. When we got there, Jules and Lassie were waiting in the chief's office. "What's up chief?" I asked

"So we have a case for you, there was a body found yesterday that could be related to a string of deaths around the same area. We need you to help find the connection." Answered the chief.

"Sure thing. Where are the bodies?"

"On their way, until then, I need you to also check out the crime scene for any evidence. So I'll send you four to do that, goodbye. Oh, and congratulations you two. Best of luck."

"Thank chief." Jules and I said at the same time before we left for the scene.

Apparently the guy died in the middle of the woods. I noticed a few things like how there was a single rose growing by a tree as if someone had planted it there and a long strand of blue hair that was clearly dyed that color. Show time. I pressed my finger to my brow and began, "I'm sensing that our killer had hair that had been dyed blue."

"Spencer you do realize that a lot of people dye their hair now, that could be anyone." Lassie replied.

"But how many of them have access to a single red rose that still can be planted and continues to grow. Clearly it was someone with a green thumb." I continued.

"There is a green house near by. We could question some of the workers. Maybe one of them had blue hair." Jules suggested.

"Sounds great Jules." I said before we separated into the cars.

I rode with Gus to the green house while Jules rode with Lassie. When we got there, we saw a man watering the flowers and we went to ask him questions. He said there was one girl who volunteered there once a week and had blue highlights. He gave us her name and address and we headed to her house.

We talked with the woman, Mary Gordon, and her alibi came out clean. She had been at her part time job at the grocery store near by. If it's not her, then who is it?

A/N: I know it's short, but I have a lot going on right now and I have no inspiration right now, I'll try to update soon but I'm also going to try doing a ghost whisperer fanfiction that I have an idea for. If you have any ideas for this story then let me know and I'll get back to you. Thanks. -Danielle Theresa

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