Chapter Six

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2 weeks later

Juliet's POV

Lassiter has been working on finding out what poisoned Shawn. He's such a good friend. He also requested a blood test which was sent to a forensics lab in DC. It be awhile til results come back though.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Shawn is still in a coma. However, he has been showing signs of waking up though. He grabs my hand sometimes or cries a little when the girls come in. He even smiles a little when Gus comes in and jokes with him.

All that I hope for right now is for Shawn to live. I want to catch the person who did this to him as well, but if he lives and we don't catch the criminal; that's okay.

Right now I'm sitting at my desk flipping through my papers. I can't find the file I had on the victim. I was gonna look back over the evidence, but I've misplaced the file. I remember setting it down here. Maybe Lassiter has it.

"Carlton, have you seen the file for our victim with the evidence logs?"

"No, last time I saw them was on your desk. Did you put them in a drawer or something like that?"

"No, I looked all over. Have you seen anyone suspicious by my desk today?"

"I haven't been watching. I haven't heard anything of us having visitors."

"I'll try looking again. They have to be somewhere."

(A/N: I know it's short back I wanted to give you guys something. I've been pretty overwhelmed with school and life in general but I have lots of ideas for the and I'll probably jump another week for next chapter just to move things along a bit more. I'll do my best not to do giant time jumps unless absolutely necessary. Hope you enjoy. Also, do you guys want to see more Gus and Shawn? Cause I haven't really had them together much. Let me know in the comments.)

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