Chapter Four

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Juliet's POV

So we ran the hair through the lab again and discovered that it was from a wig, dead end. I was looking through the scene for fingerprints once again and still nothing, until I saw a shoe stuck in a corner. How did we miss this? I guess the killer lost their shoe on the way out.

I bagged the shoe and had it send to the lab for a DNA test. Soon we'll find our murderer. Then, we can all relax again. I wonder if Shawn got anything?

Shawn, he seems a bit off lately, he's not as big on noticing things lately. Maybe it's just the stress of the babies and the girls. Our lives are changing so fast but I can't wait to have my big family. Shawn and I have been talking about names. Three girl names we like are Kimberly, Arianna, and Christina. Three boys names we like are John, Jeffery, and Ethan. Shawn tried to get me to agree to naming our son Ferris but I refused.

Halloween is coming up, I already took the girls costume shopping. Ava is being little red riding hood, Bella is being a bee, and Julie is a pumpkin ( They look so cute in the costumes! I can't wait till these triplets are born so I can dress them up too.

After I got home from the scene, I went into the kitchen and got a sandwich. The girls are with Shawn's dad. The house is so quiet. Peaceful. I sat on the couch and dozed off for a while. It'll be awhile 'til everyone comes home.

After about 3 hours sounds of my family rushed in. Shawn came in and kissed me. He looks exhausted. Like every ounce of life has been stolen from him, leaving an empty body. maybe he's ill. "Shawn, are feeling alright?"

"No, I think I caught something."

"Sit down you look like you're going to collapse."

Shawn went upstairs to sleep while I finished dinner and the girls played. After we all ate, except Shawn, I went upstairs to check on him. I think something serious might be going on.

I walked into the bedroom and noticed Shawn laying on the bed, but something was off. I could only see his forehead but it was paler than normal. Almost an icy blue color.

I ran up to him and uncovered him. He wasn't breathing properly. I tried to do CPR but it wasn't good enough. I grabbed my cell phone and called 911 before calling Shawn's dad to come watch the girls again. What happened?

A/N: hey guys, sorry for the wait but I've been busy with school and personal issues. I'll try to post again soon but it probably won't be till my midterms are over. Sorry, i'll try to write more soon.

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