Chapter 2

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a strong desire to know or learn something.

Nothing screams boredom more than when you actually consider doing your maths homework, but here I was sitting in my loungeroom staring at my maths book. I let out an exasperated sigh, my mind wondering back to the bus trip earlier today. Who was this "Luke" kid and where did he come from. I mean I know I don't pay much attention to people at my school, but with eyes like that I should've noticed him at some stage, maybe he was new? New and already signing up for student body present no one in their right mind would do that. I needed to know more about him, and fast. I pulled out my phone dialling the one person who would be able to help me in this situation.
"Maia!" I smiled into the phone as she picked up

"Lucy what's up my love"

"I need your help on a project do you mind heading over?"

"Yeah sure thing honey, I'll be there in an hour" she responded

"Thank you!" I sung back before she hung up. Maia was one of the bearable friends I had made through my parents and their connections. Maias parents and mine worked together for a very long time so naturally we were pretty much around each other 24/7 when we were younger. She lives around an hour away which is frustrating but hey at least there's such thing as cars. Unfortunately the boredom kicked in again so by my own surprise I was sat at my lounge table working through a whole bunch of algebraic equations. A buzz from the front of my house broke me out of my line of thought.

Stretching as I stood up I shook off all the confusion from maths and ran to the front door.

"MAIA!" I yelped as I opened the door

"No no it's luke" Luke. What is 'Luke' doing here.

"Oh" I replied dryly "is there a reason you're here"

"Just collecting funds for the children's cancer charity around the corner!" He chirped. I couldn't help but laugh

"You're collecting for the children's cancer charity but you were smoking as you stepped off the bus?" I retorted

"Well" he stammered "I guess I am." He smirked. WHAT? That doesn't even make sense. "Well I don't think you're going to donate so I'm off" he winked before turning around and walking down my driveway.

"Lucy!" Maia shouted walking up my driveway and passing Luke.

"Maia" I exclaimed, still keeping a close watch on Luke as he went to my neighbours.

"So what's this project you need help on?"

"Him." I said pointing to Luke.

It's been a while sorry. Let me know what you think! This was just a filler X

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