When You Meet Laughing Jack

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"Hey! (Crushes name)! Stop!" I laughed, he/she was trying to shove cotton candy in my face, chuckling. "It just cotton candy, (your name)", he/she said, smiling. I had finally asked (Crushes name) on a date, they agreed, and now we were at the fair. "Hey, I'm going to get a candy apple, you had one earlier and it made me crave", he/she laughed, I watched as they went to a booth. I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was nine:twenty-five. I looked up at the starry sky, sighing and smiling. I looked back to the booth to see (Crushes name) with their ex girlfriend/boyfriend, they were laughing about something, and... they kissed... I felt my heart shatter, they kissed, and (Crushes name) kissed back and laughed. I felt my eyes burn, turning and running behind a random tent, I didn't feel like crying in front of so many people. I sat on the ground and pulled my knees to my chest, I heard a small tune, looking up, I saw a box, it seemed worn out with faded colors.

I sniffeled, it was sitting right in front of me, how did it even get there? Maybe... I didn't see it earlier.. I picked it up, it had a metal handle sticking out of it; I felt a wave of fear wash over me, I could almost drown in it.. before I grabbed the handle, turning it. An out-of-tune Pop Goes the Weasel played, it creaked ominously. Pop goes the weasel, the lid popped up and I jumped slightly, nothing came out. I looked in the box to see abyss, and sighed, putting it back down. I curled back up in my little ball, I felt humiliated, stupid.. for thinking anyone could actually like me. I closed my eyes in thought, when I heard a chuckle. I looked up to see a clown wearing black and white, he was smiling. His hair was black, and he had white skin, he was tall, and skinny. His smile dropped as he saw I was crying, he cocked his head to the side and kneeled in front of me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He questioned, I just sniffeled, shaking my head, I didn't want to tell a stranger.. let alone a Gothic clown..

"I'm laughing Jack, you can call me LJ", he offered, I guess he would be the only person who would comfort me... "Hi, LJ, I'm.. (your name)", I introduced, he sat next to me, pulling one of his legs up and resting his elbow on it. "So, what's wrong with you, (your name)?" He questioned, I shrugged. "I was on a date with a guy/girl I really liked, but... they kissed their ex girlfriend/boyfriend in front of me, so.. I don't know any more.." I sighed, LJ put a hand on my shouldet. "Well, I don't see why they would do that to you, you're pret- er, seem like.. a really nice person.." he chuckled nervously, I smiled, blushing softly. "Heh, thanks, LJ...", I said, shifting to where I was sitting on my knees. "So, who was this.. crush.. of yours?" LJ asked, I sighed, resting my hands on my knees. "(Crushes full name)" I said, he chuckled in response. "Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about them... low lives like them don't really last", he said, laughing slightky, I nervously laughed. "Y-yeah.." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Well, (your name), we wouldn't want this night to go to waste... how about I take you for a ferris wheel ride? Just to.. lighten up the night for ya", he smiled, standing up. "Yeah... I would like that... thanks, LJ." I said smiling, he put his hand out and helped me up.

We ended up staying a little past closing, LJ has won me a medium sized teddy bear at a game of 'pop the balloon'. I ended up with his number, LJ was actually a really nice guy...

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