Getting To know The Slenderman

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I sat in my recliner, my Edgar Allan Poe book in hand, my legs curled in the chair. I was wearing a black tanktop with a grey sweater, it laid open in the front, and was long sleeved with silk-like material, I wore a pair of jeans/shorts/skirt along with it. A soft knock erupted my reading, I got up, opening the back door. There stood Slenderman, I closed my book, saving my page and spot. "Why, hello there, Slenderman." I said, smiling, I allowed him in. He seemed... shorter, than last time we met. Then again, he was a demon, I guess he could alter his form anyway he pleased, I blushed slightly at that thought. "How has this lovely afternoon treated you, (your name)?" Slenderman questioned, I nodded my head. "Well, how about yours?" He seemed to groan with annoyance at that thought, causing me to perk my ears. "Oh.. what's bothering you? I questioned sitting on the couch, I pulled my feet up, curling them against me and patting the cushion next to me.

Slenderman took his seat, slouching and placing his right forefinger against his temple. "It's been chaos in my household", he admitted," I came here in hopes to get my mind cleared up. Your soothing voice already seems to be helping with that." I blushed, smiling. "Well, I'm glad to oblige", I said, playing with my hair slightly. Slenderman tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear carefully, causing my cheeks to tinge. I smiled with a childish aurora, I seemed to melt in Slenderman's hands. "So, Slenderman-" "You may call me Slender", he stated, I laughed slightly. "Okay, Slender, what is it exactly do you like to do?" I questioned, he shifted in his seat. "Well, I've always loved reading, almost any genre, I adore nature.. I love art, even though I've never been an artist myself", he started, his voice was smooth, and was very comforting," how about you, (your name)? Any interesting past times?" I cupped my hands in my lap, looking down at them and smiling. I explained a few of my hobbies, little things I love to do. "That's lovely", he said, I cleared my throat. "Why, yes.. er, would you like anything to drink?" I asked, he shook his head.

"Would you?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly in a curios way. "Well, I am parched... but, I could get myself a drink. I am the.. host here", I said, getting ready to stand. "Oh no, I insist", he said, I averted my eyes, he was so gentlemanly... "are you sure it won't be a bother?" I asked, he nodded. "Of course, I'll get you a glass of water", he said, standing. "Thank you, Slenderman- er, Slender." I said, smiling softly. He returned with a glass of ice water, handing it to me. "Oh, thank you, it's very much appreciated", I said, I hadn't known how dry my throat and mouth were until I saw the liquid. I drank a few gulps, sighing as I placed the cup down on the coffee table. "Slender, what exactly has been your favorite book, or book series?" I questioned, he chuckled and hummed. "That is a tough decision, I did personally like the Harry Potter series, but, I do like the classic tale of The Headless Horseman." He said, I nodded my head. I expressed my own favorite book(s), and we exchanged a few reading ideas on what the other may like.

"Slender, you had said there were.. others living with you, who are they? If you don't mind me asking..." I said. "Oh, not at all. There's Jeff, BEN, Jack, LJ, Sally, Expressionless, Mr. Widemouth, Jason, Bloody Painter, Puppeteer, Lost Silvet, Glitchy Red, Rake, Smile Dog, Grinny the Cat, Jane, Judge Angel, Grae, Amanda, Stitches, Hoodie,Masky, Ticci-Toby, Clockwork, and then my brothers Sexual Offemderman, Splendorman, and Trenderman." He finished off, my eyebrows were raised. "Wow.. that's.. heh, a lot of people", I said, he chuckled. "Yes, it is.. but, it's a big manor", he said, I looked at my lap nervously. "Is something bothering you?" Slender asked, I looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Oh, nu-uh, just.... lost in thought", I said, smiling slightly. "Oh, I see.." he said trailing off, a sudden crash from yhe kitchen caused both Slender and I yo jump up. A boy wearing all black and a blue mask and no eyes emerged from the kitchen.

"Sorry.. I accidentally... knocked over a plate... I'll clean it.." he said, turning back into the kitchen, Slender and I looked at each other before we made our way into the kitchen. "Jack, why is it that you showed here?" Slender asked, Jack threw away the shattered remains of the plate. "Oh, Offender and Slender got in an argument and.. knocked over your favorite vase.. and fell down the stairs.. long story short, Sally was hit in the process and she's crying." The boy, who went by Jack said. Slender seemed to get offended by Sally being hurt. "I'll be right there, (your name), we will have to continue our talk some other time", Slender said, with that he was gone in a blink of an eye. "Sally is.. kind of like his daughter.." Jack said, I looked at him and nodded. "It was nice meeting you, (your name), sorry for breaking your plate!" Jack exclaimed making his way out of the house quickly and awkwardly.

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