When You Meet Ticci-Toby

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"Get off, freak", some boy hissed as I walked off the bus, I sighed. I wore my favorite jacket, I had my hood up but left it unzipped, it was (favorite color), and I wore my black jeans/shorts/skirt. The bus dropped me off at the side of the road, and then I had half a mile of thick woods to trudge into. I started my walk, whilst pushing a branch out of the way it snapped, swinging back and hitting my cheek. I cupped it tenderly, feeling the soft pinch of pain, knowing the cut was bleeding. "Damn it.." I muttered, a loud snap of a branch caused me to turn quickly, my chest heaved, and my (eye color) eyes were wide in fear. Nothing was there, and I let out a sigh of relief, taking a step back, I let my breathing calm down and I turned, running into someone's chest. Was it dad? I feared, jumping back, it... wasn't him. A boy was smiling at me genuinely, he had shaggy brown hair that had trim that slightly hung in his eyes, a pair of goggles with orange lenses rested on his head. He had beautiful honey-amber eyes, he had a mouth guard in hand; it was blue and goldish. He wore a brown hoodie with a blue hood, which was down, and it had stripped sleeves; it was accompanied by a pair of worn-out, dark blue, jeans, and boots.

A too-big belt hung lazily around his waist, along with two hatchets; one was old with a worn wooden handle, whilst the other seemed new, the blade was cleaner, less rusty, and and had an orange handle. He had gloved hands, that rested on his hips. "Oh, h-hi there!" He said enthusiastically, his shoulder kind of twitching," I'm T-ticci-tob-y." He put his hand out, I hesitantly shook his hand. "(Y-your name)", I said kind of quietly, he smiled a bit wider. He pulled his mouth guard over his face,  and replaced his goggles over his eye. "S-so, wh-wha-a-t are y-you do-do-ing in th-the woods?" Toby questiomed, ticking occasionally. "I-i was just.. w.. walking hhome", I said, stammering slightly, his shoulders seemed to reverberate, as if he chuckled an inaudible laugh. "I w-wa-s just... o-on m-my way t-t-to w-wo-r-rk", Toby stammered, I smiled slightly, holding my jacket flaps for comfort. I didn't feel as nervous as I should, I has just met a random boy, who looked around my age of seventeen, who was just walking in the woods.

"I-i'll h-ha-ve to g-go... s-see y-yo-u s-some o-th-other t-time?" Toby said, I nodded my head and he waved, taking off quickly. I watched as he swiftly made his way through the woods at frightening speeds; as if he had made his way through here millions of times before. I continued my way home, letting Toby, the kid from the woods, cross my mind from time to time with curiosity.

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