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Harrys Pov

We wave my family off and close the door. Finally we are alone, its been lovely spending christmas with my family but in a selfish way im glad that now for the first time ever me and Lucy have a few days alone. No band, no family members, just us.

Last nights party was amazing but we are both SO hungover today after barely any sleep and far far too much alcohol.

"And now ive finally got you all to myself" i tell Lucy as we walk back inside. "What am i going to do with you now?" I say as i raise my eyebrow and she giggles.

"Not much in this state - we're both half dead" she says and i hate to admit it but shes right. Ive not been this hungover in a long, long time.

"Sofa, fire, blankets, movies, cuddles, lots of cups of tea and junk food?" I suggest
"Sounds perfect" she agrees.

We have a lovely chill day all alone and for the first time in my life i feel like im properly in a relationship. Lazing in front of the tv in my house with the fire roaring its so nice to just be together doing nothing apart from nursing our hangovers, cuddling and watching rubbish movies. This is the life everyone else takes for granted but thanks to my job i've never had and i've dreamed of it so many nights lay in bed alone in hotels in foreign countries. For once i actually feel like a normal 22 year old with some freedom. Life in the band has been controlling, the record company are great but their management PR people are awful - telling us where we can and cant go and who we can and cant be seen with. Im unsure i ever want to be dictated to again, i just want to be free to be who I am and as we reach the time when we renegotiate a deal with the record company to reform One Direction im going to have to tell them this. I know the other boys feel the same too, towards the end it got too much, it caused Zayn to quit the band and we're lucky we got through the last tour at all. It wasnt good hence why we insisted on this break.

"What are you thinking about" she asks interrupting my thoughts
"Nothing" i reply
"Youre worrying me because you look all deep and meanginful" she jokes and i smile. I dont want her worrying so i'll tell her.
"Im thinking about how nice this is. This is my favourite day together so far" i admit
"This?" She gestures to us lay on the couch in our sweatpants with hangovers looking like shit
"Yeh funnily enough it is. We're just being normal just like any other couple and its so nice" i explain
"Yeh it is. Its nice to just be alone. I never get you alone" she agrees
"Once the albums written and we come back to the uk in a month or so it will be like this all the time" i tell her excitedly
"Not quite Harry. You live in london and i'll have to look for my own place in manchester when i get back" she says obviously having already given this more thought than i have.
"Why?" I ask confused
"Well because if youd forgotten my ex husband kinda lives in my other house so im a bit homeless at the moment and it will have to be up north because i cant afford anywhere in london" she says rolling her eyes.
Im stunned by this revelation.
We've lived together since we met - before we were even a couple we lived together in scotland, then LA. We've just had a horrid 10 days apart over christmas where we were both miserable and now we're going back to LA to live together again. I hadn't thought about what might happen after LA or where she would live, I certainly hadn't considered that we'd be hundreds of miles apart. Until now.

Lucys pov
His face looks hard and serious like I've upset him but I havent said anything out of line - when we get back from LA I do have to find somewhere to live and it wont be in London. I cant afford even a tiny 1 bedroom flat in London and whilst im being paid £200,000 to write this album I will be unemployed afterwards. That money wont go far at all - I'll need a job. My only option is to go back up north where i can get an affordable house and a job. Reality dictates that.

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