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Harry's POV

Lucy persuades me to speak to the other boys and as i conference call them it just all reminds me of the night Zayn left. Its so similar. Were all crying. Even Liam and Liam never cries.

We agree the boys will come over to my place and we'll have a meeting and see if we can find a solution but what amazes me more than anything is that the lads actually support me.
Im the one throwing the band and their careers under the bus and they understand. The personal cost to them is huge and yet they dont care - they say we're brothers and thats how we will stay - regardless. Thry understand what im going through. They know i love Lucy more than anything and that ive got her as my priority and they dont blame me.

Liams POV

Arriving at Harrys the management are sat in their cars waiting outside, we ignore them and enter his house. He's a mess. Lucy is a mess. Neither of them can pull it together.

"Ok. Lets just all calm down" i say as i take Harry and lucy to the sofas and sit between them hugging them both.
Niall and louis sit on the opposite sofa.

"Right. The issue here is your relationship and managemwnts reaction to it?" I ask as Harry nods

"So we get rid of the issue - and i dont mean your relationship" i telk Harry as he looks at me confused

"We sack management" i explain and louis cheers. He's had more problems with them than most over the years

"We cant do that" says Niall

"Course we can" i laugh

"No liam we cant!" Replies Harry

"That management company are a part of our record deal. We'd have to leave the record company" Harry explains and Niall nods

"Ok so we leave the record company" i say shrugging "were the giggest band in the world someone else will sign us"

"Were under contract we'd get sued" replies Niall

"Were fucked, theyve got us by the balls" explains Harry

"You know what?" Says Louis standing up. "Let them fucking sue us" he says as we all look at him like he's crazy

"The money we get from a new deal will pay off this deal so fuck them. We werent happy. Weve not been happy for ages thats why we went on this break. Are we willing to go back to more of the same?" He asks

"No" we all answer.

"Are we all willing to sign a new deal with someone else?" He asks and we all nod

Im astounded. Louis has just saved One Direction. Louis. Irresponsible, daft Louis! Times are changing.

"So we quit, as a band?" I ask trying to clarify it in my head
"Then we sign with someone else and use that money to pay off our current record label?"

"Yeh thats right" says louis and i jump up and hug him, soon were all in a group hug.

Louis POV

Im over the moon we've worked out a solution. Im not willing to give up on 1D just yet and yes its going to cost us a lot but i dont care. You cant put a price on happiness and we need to be happy.
"Guys" i ask excitedly
"Can i be the one to tell the record company? Can i sass them? Pleaaaassseeee" i beg as they all laugh and agree.

Nialls POV
I have to admit im a bit scared and worried. I dont cope well with change but i know that if we dont do this were over. Harry will gibe it all up and i cant blame him. Hes found happiness and hes not going to let his career ruin it. Id be the same.weve paid a heavy price for our fame this last 5 years and i trust the kads to sort out this mess. Theyre not daft.

Lucys pov
Im still a complete mess, unable to believe Harry being in a relationship with me has caused all of this. Unable to believe he was willing to lose it all for me. Unable to believe they boys are willing to risk everything for Harry. Sacking the record company means the album weve spent months writing is gone, as is my job but i dont care. Ive got my Harry. It will all work out somehow.

Harrys pov
The lads have literally blown me away with their support - they should hate me and yet they are hugging me.
Lucy seems stunned and scared, this has a massive impact on her too - all of her hard work on the album is wasted, her writing job is gone- a new record company might not employ her - but i know now we'll be ok. I'll look after her no matter what.

We sit and discuss how to do this and then louis phones Simon and invited him round. He knows somethings seriously wrong because its very similar to when Zayn left. He arrives within 30 minutes. Unfortunately as i open the door to let him in so have the press. Thry know somethings going on. Management are locked outside. All four of us are in my house and now simon cowell is here too. They know.

Simons POV

Louis sassily informs me that the band are leaving my record label and explains the reasons why. Its thr first ive heard of Harry having a girlfriend or any of this mess.

"Why didnt you come to me? 5 years Harty. Ive been here for you for 5 years and you didnt come to me?" I ask him as he hangs his head

"This is nonesense. I wont have this ruin the biggest band ive ever created. We can deal with this" i tell them but they all avoid eye contact.

"PR - theyre your problem right?" I ask and louis nods "Theyre doing their job, i pay them good money to keep you guys out of the firing line of the media" i tell them "This band has had its success because PR have done a good job. Without thrm youd have screwed it up before you even released your first album" i explain.
"Well i need to do what i need to do now" says Harry as he clings to his girlfriend "And thry wont let me so i have no choice" he says firmly

I sigh. I cant lose these boys.

"Ok. Let me deal with them. I know how to handle this. Its going to be harder now the press are outside and aware there are issues but i can sort it" i tell them as they all look at me waiting for an explanation.

"You four need to go back to LA tomorrow. She needs to stay here. We can sort this out then she can rejoin you" i tell them but Harry refuses. "Im going nowhere without her"
"Harry. Trust me. I'll sort it. I'll get her a quickie divorce, I'll silence her ex, i'll do what i have to do to keep you in this band" i tell him honestly
"But if the two of you go to LA together or stay here together and the media see you they'll dig. They'll find her ex. They'll beat us to it. Your relationship needs keeping quiet for a couple of weeks whilst we deal with the underlying problems and then you can go public. You can break the story yourselves. You can go on tv or do an interview and tell the world the truth - not her ex selling some seedy story. If you love her like you say you do then you owe it to her to do right by her" i tell him. I know hes a sensible lad and i know he'll listen to reason eventually.

"PR wont have it" he tells me

"Then PR will be sacked. You can have a new PR company. You can choose them yourselves" i tell him. "I think the bridge is burnt between you guys and them anyway, we'll have to accept that"

I see Lucy whispering to Harry as Harrys eyes fill with tears. I know she's trying to convince him.

"Two weeks. Youve got two weeks and then regardless im coming home for her." He tells me and i nod.


I brief they boys to leave Harrys house smiling and like nothings wrong and to wave to the press and I insist that Harry and Lucy do not go out. At all. They cannot be seen together. Its only 24 hours then he leaves for LA. At the moment the press dont know why theres trouble or who Lucy is but if they see her they'll soon work it out.
They reluctanly agree.

I leave wirh Louis, Liam & Niall and we are hounded by the press but i brush it off as a "good news" meeting about the band reforming. The press buy it.

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