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Harry's POV
The next morning we're up early, the chill out day we'd had yesterday leaving us refreshed and unable to sleep in.
Its our last day in the UK today before we leave for LA tomorrow.

"What do you want to do today then? Im taking you out tonight but what would you like to do all day?" I ask as we lay in bed.

"Well i need to see a solicitor and get the ball rolling" she says

"Oh yeh. Id forgotten about that" i lie. Id remembered. It was something i wanted to happen more than anything but i wasnt going to be the one to push it forward. Its her decision.

"We'll go and see them today" i tell her

Lucys pov

Harry makes a couole of phone calls and before long we are in a fancy solicitors office in central london. They are the solicitors that have looked after 1D since the beginning and he promises me im going to be fine and they'll do a good job.
I explain the situation and the guy is really good with me and tells me not to worry and they'll sort it. Then gets into the nitty gritty.

"Ok. So. Lets be clear here - i'm not prying but it seems pretty evident that theres something going on with you two. Is your husband aware of this?" He asks and i nod.

"And he hasn't gone to the media?" He asks shocked

"Well no...." i reply

"He will. This will be very lucrative for him. A celebrity taking away his wife? The newspapers will offer big money for a story like that"

I look at him stunned then turn to look at Harry who seems less than surprised.

"But....thats not what happened! He cheated on ME" i tell the solicitor firmly

"Yeh. You know that. I know that. That doesnt make a good story though does it?" He says cynically.

"Look. Youre going to have to get hold of your PR people Harry abd get them to deal with the fallout from all of this. Im happy to deal wirh the divorce - if he sells a story - which i think he might when divorce papers land on his doormat - we'll sue him for libel. What i cant do is handle the media fallout. You'll need professional help with that. Your PR people will have to sort that out." He says as i see a look of horror on Harrys face.

"Well theyre not exactly the most understanding people" replies Harry.
"Oh - i know - but you dont have a choice. I'll start proceedings today but you must go and see thrm. Today." He finishes as Harry nods.

As we leave the solicitors office i can see Harrys mood has changed and upon asking whats going on I get an explanation that worrys me too.

"Theyre horrible. Controlling. Maipulative. They'll say this is career suicide for me. They'll go mental. They'll give you a hard time. They'll deal with the press but it wont be nice for us" he tells me as we drive to his managements office. I feel sick.

Once inside we sit with a serious looking woman.
"So what brings you here? What the fuck have you done now? Honestly its like babysitting a bunch of kids! And whos this?" She asks as she fold her arms. Wow. She's friendly.
"Its Lucy. And its a long story" Harry replies
"Well start talking. Im fucking busy" she snaps as i look at Harry out of the corner of my eye and see him looking back at me.

"Ok. Lucy is the writer the record company employed to write the new album" he says as she rolls her eyes and huffs.
"And well....she's seperated from her husband and has just started divorce proceedings against him" he finishes as he puts his head down unable to look at the PR woman.
"And thats my problem because?" She asks
"Because shes my girlfriend" Harry replies

The woman stares at Harry in silence. Then at me. Then back at Harry.

"Youve had an affair with a married woman and ruined a marrige? Well thats just fucking brilliant Harry. Well done! I've spent the last 5 years building you a squeeky clean reputation - you take a career break and ruin it?" She yells

"We'll you better end it and fast. How the hell the media haven't gotten hold of this is beyond me - its tabloid gold" she says half laughing with anger

"No! We havent had an affair. Her marriage was over before we got together" he protests

"You can put whatever spin on it you like - youre shacked up with a woman whos still married to someone else. Thats going to ruin your reputation" she says, yet more nastily

"The only thing i can suggest is that you split. Now. Before this gets out" she says

"No. No way" responds Harry

She turns to look at me. Oh shit.

"And you! You think its ok to ruin his career?" She asks raising an eyebrow at me

"No! God no!" I reply

"Well then leave him. If he's too stupid to do the right thing take the option away from him and you leave him" she says as Harry grabs my hand and squeezes it so i turn to look at him and he shakes his head.

"If you make her do that im quitting. I'll do a Zayn. Im deadly fucking serious" she shouts

All of the shouting eventually making someone else from management enter this womans office and look at us all in horror.

"What the fuck is going on?" Asks the man as the woman takes a back step and sits back down as does Harry. I dont know who this guy is but i know hes in charge. His authority is clear.

The woman explains the situation and the man turns to look at Harry who is now putting his coat on and getting ready to leave.

"If youre not going to help us were going" he says as he takes my hand and starts walking me out of the office.
"Dont be stupid Harry - grow up" says the man.
"Were all sick of you. Louis, liam, niall.... you ruined Zayn. You are the reason he quit because you tried to control him. We're not 16 year old kids anymore - you cant tell us what to do. We dont even need the band anymore. We've all made more money than we'll ever need - so if i have to walk away from it all to have a normal life then so be it. Stick it up your arse. I quit" he says as i gasp.

"No Harry. No! Nooooooo!" I protest as i try to stop him leaving but he just drags me out with him.

"Fuck them. Im not living like this anymore" he says as we get into his car and i sob realising Harry Styles has just quit one direction and its my fault.

By the time we get back to his house the management guy and two other guys are already there and waiting on his doorstep.

"Ive nothing more to say. Leave" says Harry firmly to them as he walks me towards the door.
"She's my priority now. She's the only thing I care about and she's my future" he says as he walks me past them, takes me inside and closes the door.

"What the fuck have you just done Harry?" I ask as i sob "you cant do that. You cant split up one direction. What about the fans?" I ask knowing his fans mean more to him than anything else. "What about the lads?" I ask "youve just ended their career too" i tell him as finally the penny drops wirh him and he starts to cry. I wrap him tightly in my arms and hold him as he breaks his heart.

I know one thing for sure. He loves me. He's done all of this because he loves me. Im going to have to somehow use that to change his mind.

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