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The next morning the PR lady phoned to say it was all sorted with the newspaper and Andy had agreed to sign the papers. He was being interviewed today and had insisted upon cash payment upon completion. The story would be front page tomorrow.
She said she'd be around at 2pm and i needed to have bags packed because i was going away whilst the story broke, the media would be looking for me and she had to protect me from that. She wouldnt tell me where i was going, just that i needed my passport and that she'd be coming with me.

I ran around packing up my belongings, enough for a few days i thought was best. I threw thrm all into a suitcase and then placed the teddy bear Harry had bought me in there too. I couldnt be without that.

When she arrived she checked i had everything i needed, laughed at me taking the teddybear and then drove us to the airport. As we checked in i nearly fainted. We were going to LA.
"Does this mean im going to see...."
"Yeh lets just say you wont be needing that teddy bear" she laughed
I hugged her tighter than id ever hugged anybody in my life.
"Does he know?" I asked. She shook her head and giggled.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed excitedly thinking how amazing it was going to be to surprise him.

Harry phoned when i was at the airport so i lied and told him me and the PR woman were flying to Italy to hide from the media. Little did he know i was on my way to see him.

It was the longers 12 hours of my life, the flight was horrendous and i couldnt contain my excitement.

Eventually we landed at LAX and were finally in a car being driven to the house. It was 4am on my watch which meant it was 8pm here in LA so i adjusted the time and sighted heavily. The newspapers would by now be on the way to the shops. Newsagents opened in 2 hours. The story was about to break. At least here in LA nobody would know for a few more hours because it would be night time here.

We arrived at the house and knocked on the door. Liam ansered and picked me up hugged me tightly and excitedly asked me what the hell i was doing here. I told him to shhhh and asked him where Harry was."upstairs....your bedroom" he whispered as i thanked him and crept up the stairs taking a deep breath then flinging open the door.
He was lay on the bed, cuddling a pillow and he didnt even look up. He must have assumed it was one of the boys checking on him so i slowly walked over and pulled the pillow from his face
"Please just go away" he replied sadly
"Well its been a long flight to get her but ok...." i replied and as he heard my voice he jumped up
"Lucy what the fuck?" He said as he grabbed me and hugged me tightly
"How are you here? Theyre going to kill you" he said but i shook my head
"Babe they brought me" i explain as me hug.
"I cant believe youre here" he said playing a kiss on my forehead. A know on the door then interrupting us.
Its the PR lady

"Harry nice to meet you im Lindsey. Im your new PR. Sorry to interrupt the reunion but we could really do with a chat. The three of us" she said as we nodded
"Give us two minutes we'll meet you downstairs" said harry as she smiled and closed the door. He kissed me then hugged me again.
"She brought you?" He asks and i nod
"Wow! What a difference a new PR team makes hey? I like her already" he laughed as he took my hand and we went downstairs to talk to her.

She explained to us both why ahe'd brought me here - yes it was risky having us here together and yes the media were going to find out i was in LA wirh him but she felt it was important for us to be together and be there for eachother as the story broke.
"You are officially the best PR woman ever" Harry told her as he hugged her. "I literally cannot thank you enough".

She explained that the newspaper were faxing the signed divorce papers to the lawyer for him toprocess the divorce and that they were going to email her the interview before it broke. It was all in hand. Now it was just a waiting game.

Harrys POV

Im in complete shock that shes here. More shocked still that managenemt brought her here to me because they were thinking about us. The old managwment company only ever thought about themselves and their agwnda - our needs came last.
The other boys are sat in the lounge waiting for the three of us to emerge from our meeting in the dining room and whwn we do they embrace Lucy like a long lost sister. Everybody cries including the new PR lady who cant belive how grateful we are. I hold Lucys hand whilst she hugs and chats to everyone. I cant let go. im unsure i'll ever let go again.

"Go and have some alone time" laughs louis seeing my dispair that im having to share my girl so i take her upstairs.
"You look too skinny" i tell her "youve not looked after yourself properly have you?" I ask but she doesnt answer. I know shes not been eating shes lost about 7lb in under a week.
"Im ok" she says as she burys her head into my chest and i lie her down in my arms on the bed.
"Or at least i will be once all of this is over" she sighs.

We chat about what happens next. We'll see the article in the next couple of hours. The lawyer will sort the divorce. I'll do the interview and then....then im taking her away. Alone. Just us two, i think weve earned that and she doesnt even argue.

We lay and cuddle as we talk about things, i tell her what the media will be like and that we will have to stay in the house until ive done the interview. Hopefully i can do it next week if the divorce is sorted but if not it will have to be the week after.

"Will the fans hate me?" She asks and i shake my head.
"No babe. I will make sure thry dont" i reassure her.

Lindsey the PR lady knocks on the bedroom door and hands me an ipad. The article has been recieved. She leaves us alone to read it. I pull lucy onto my chest and cuddle her as we read it together. Its horrible. He's said i targetted Lucy online, offered her the writing job as a ploy to steal her, took her away to scotland in order to get her alone and seduced her in the hot tub. Used my bandmates as bodyguards when he came to reclaim her and then kept her hostage in London insisting she gets divorced. He says shes been mind controlled by me. I cant believe what im reading and im desoerate to tell my side of the story. The very thought that my fans are reading this and people who know me are reading this breaks my heart but not half as much as being away from Lucy did. I know weve made the right decision. Lucy doesnt cry but she looks angry. I twll her not to worry and that people will know the truth sooner or later.
She says its worth it just to get the divorce. I agree.
I taje rhe ipad back downstairs and hand it to the boys to read. Go into the kitchen and make Lucy some sandwiches and a cup of tea and as im finishing up Louis comes to me and without saying a word he hugs me. He knows how much thst story will have hurt me and we all know its really untrue.
"Im just making her some food have you seen how much weight shes lost?" I tell Louis
"Its making you both ill mate not just her" says louis as he pats my stomach. "Youve lost as much yourself - youve not been eating either" he says as i realise hes right.
"Youll both be ok now though" he says with a smile. "Love wins".

I taje the sanswiches and tea upstairs to Lucy to find her in the middle of a phone call. It sounds serious to i sit silently and wait for her to finish.

"Thst was the lawyer" she says looking at me dazed
"He'll have me divorced in 2 days" she says as she burts into tears.
I place the tray down and go to comfort her.
"Are you ok?" I ask worried. Hes really wanted this divorce and now its happening shes really upset. Is she regretting it? I cant cope if she changes her mind.
"Im just really relieved. Im crying because im relieved" she says as i start to cry too, the emotion of recent weeks now finally taking its toll on us both.
"Two days" she exclaims in a happier tone. "Two fucking days Harry and its over" she kisses me.
I take out my phone and tell James the interview is on for next week. In 5 days time it will all be done. Just five days.

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