Grandmother's house

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Don't tell mama... I strayed from the path.

It was really late, but thank goodness there was still enough light out for me to see the dirt path. I release a sigh of relief and I walk down the path to grandmother's house.

Know that the sun is setting and the animals are going to rest. Everything is silent. Not even the sound of crickets chirping is audible.


What was that? I look behind me but was unable to see anything. My imagination? I turn back and continue to walk.


Slightly scared I quicken my pace.


Frightened, I run down the path. Not bothering to look back, I dash holding on to my basket.

There! After I ran I saw a clearing up ahead. A medium-sized cottage with a water mill behind it. It was made of red bricks and a straw life roof, I found it cute.


The sound of the wind sent shivers down my spine, I hurriedly ran to the house and knocked on the front door. "Grandmama! Grandmama!" I knocked again and again.

"Good heavens child, you're late I thought something had happened to you! Come, come in dear! It's freezing outside!" Grandmother ushered me in the warm and cozy household.

"Sorry for being late Grandmama I got distracted by this beautiful field of flowers!"
"No matter how beautiful the flowers my dear your safety is top priority."

She walked into the living room with me right behind her. "Make yourself at home my dear Red. I'll go and make so hot chocolate to warm you up."

"Thank you!"

She disappeared in her kitchen, after a few minutes she came back with a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. I said 'Thank you' as she handed me the mug and she smiled.

"Come here Red." She sat on her wooden rocking chair and I sat at her feet, my back facing her. She soon undid my two pigtails and my long brown hair fell to the middle of my back. She then began to comb through it as we began to converse. "What did you say that took you so long my dear?"

"I saw a field full of flowers and a gracious waterfall, it was beautiful Grandmama you had to see it!"

"And these scrapes, where did they come from?"

"I got cut when I ran through the bushes. Oh grandmama here are the flowers from the field, and the pastries and wine mama wanted me to give you! Oh! But they are probably cold."

When she stopped brushing my hair I turned to her and placed everything in in her lap. "Don't worry about the pastries, we can warm them up in the oven and enjoy them in the mourning." She then picked up the bouquet of flowers and held them to her nose. "These flowers are splendid! Thank you!"

She finally saw the bottle of Red wine, "1904... Oh this was the year I met your grandfather and when we shared our first glass of red wine together... Thank you my dear sweet, sweet, Red!"

A tear slid down her cheeks as she embraced me. I smiled and hugged her back. "Oh, my it- it's late sweetie, you should be in bed!"

She led me to the extra room upstairs and left me to get ready for bed. I took a shower, put on my bright yellow nightgown and climbed into bed.



Startled, I opened my eyes. Was that? I pulled the covers off of me and head to the small window in my room. It was snowing, the snow flakes danced in the wind with grace until something else caught my eye.

A large being stalking the outside of the cottage. I stared at the figure and it stared back.


It's you isn't it!
The wolf as pure as snow. I ran from my room to the front door, as I opened it I was greeted by the freezing cold. My short bursts of air was visible, to signify that I ran all the way down stairs.

What I saw staring back at me from the edge of the forest was the wolf that I met earlier today. It stared at me unmoving, I soon gained my composure and a small smile appeared on my lips once more.

"Did your wounds heal?" Was all I could muster. The wolf looked down at me from where it was standing, my smile still in place, for I was fascinated with the mystical beast.

It huffed again and its breath was visible as well. It then turned and disappeared into the woods in a fair white haze. I continued to smile, even when it was gone, when I closed the door, when I went back to sleep.

*Next Morning*

"Red! Come now dear, you must get up and eat!" I open my heavy eyes and I am greeted by a delectable smell of apple and cinnamon. I soon heard Grandmama call me down for breakfast.

I jump out of bed and trudged down the stairs to the dinning room. "There you are, come, let's eat the bread your mother made." I nod while I wipe the tired out of my eyes.

She set the table and place the warm bread accompanied by some eggs and bacon on a plate. She then poured my a glass of milk and soon we said prayer then began to enjoy our meal.

"Red I don't know how to say this, but because of the snow the path was covered. I don't want you to get lost in that forest so you will stay here for awhile until the snow melts."

"Okay Grandmama!"

"...if I didn't know better I would have thought you were happy not going home." I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy, after all I have much more freedom here then back home in town.

Also if I stay here I may see that wolf once more.

"It's not that I don't want to go home, it's just that--"

"I know dear, I will call your mother and maybe I'll ask her if you could stay with me for a few more days."

"Really grandmama!!!" She smiled, "Only of you don't mind helping me with the dishes and tending the garden."

"Of course! I'll do them right now!"

I grab our plates and cups and head to the sink and begin to scrub the dishes clean. I hear grandmother enter the kitchen laughing. "Don't worry about that now my dear. Also I just got off the phone with your mother, you can stay for a few more days and come home when your ready, but she said you have to call her every night."

I smile and run up and hug my sweet grandmother. "Thank you grandmama!"

"Your welcome dear."

Starting from today I'll make the most out of each day...

... At Grandmother's house...

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