Sing my Song

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A/N: .............................................. I really had nothing to say ......................................................

\( ̄<  ̄)>


On our way home it was silent. Red was in front of me taking large steps and humming along with the song she had sang in music class.

"Hey Winter..." She suddenly called my name and turned to me. "There!" Suddenly something could and wet came in contact with my face. I heard Red laughing at me as I wiped away the snow. "Red... You better run..." She was smiling uncontrollably and ran in a random direction. I gave her a head start to run because I know this forest like the back of my hand. Also I think she forgot I could sniff her out.

I pointed my nose to the air and smirked, got'cha! I dashed in the direction she ran in. I came to a halt when I couldn't see her. I sniffed the air again and turned to a nearby tree.

"Caught you!" I placed both my hands on each side of her head, and she slid to the ground and started laughing. I kneeled down to her and grabbed a fistful of snow and shoved it in her face.

"Winter!" I laughed as she turned red and wiped away the snow. She grabbed even more snow and threw it at me. We had our own snowball fight and I honestly had fun. We laid down in the snow and did what she had suggested, snow angles.

When we finished we didn't move still to out of breath.

"Hey... Red..." "Yes?" "Sing...for me..." I didn't get a reply but I heard Red take a deep breath and before I knew it time slowed down in our winter wonderland.

The city we called home now ruins...

I've waited all this time for you my dear...

In my hands, a forget-me-not...

Light my fire and burn my tears...

Let my body finally fade away...

My story will live on in the earth and I will wrap myself inside of its roots...

When seasons change I'll awaken...

For all winter I'll have been waiting...

The forget-me-not flower has bloomed again...

Right here...

I remember.

Do you remember me?

Can you recall the day you met me?

I remember.

Do you remember me?

Say once more...

That you love me...


I dear Red...
*wipes away tears*



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