Chapter 10- What else is there?

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Luddy held me in his arms, not letting me go. He'd just shot Ivan, twice. I didn't want to know if he was dead yet, I just want to hold onto Luddy. Ludwig kissed me and then went to see if he killed Ivan. I caught my breath and hurried to the twins.

Everyone filed out of the room. I saw their sweet faces and felt my heart feel warmer. I dropped to the crying. It was going to be over, the curse was going to be gone. Tears just kept falling, everyone knew why I was crying.

"Alice, please go to sleep." Luddy said, picking me up and carrying me to the bed.

"Why?" I asked him.

He lightly smiled, "When you wake up, everything will be back to the way it was before. And I'll take you some place. Night, baby."

I smiled and gave him a kiss. He left the room and turned off the light. I lay there in bed, debating if I should go back. How would I explain Luca and Monika to everyone? Anyway I fell asleep trying to figure it out. And when I woke up Luddy was in bed. The scar on his face was gone and he seemed happier, and like he enjoyed himself.

I got out of bed and hurried down the hall. Luca and Monika were still here and looked the same. I rushed to the phone and called Chiara. It rung a few times and then during the last ring she picked up.

"Ciao?" Chi asked.

"Hey, sis, what is in your purse?" I asked.

"What? You mean the...I haven't told him yet." she whispered.

"Is he with you?" I asked. Chiara was back to herself.

"Yes, we are eating breakfast. Can you come over later?" she said.

"If I have free time, Ludwig wants to take me somewhere." I giggled.

"With the twins?" she asked.

"Probably." I said.

"Alright, well when you come over we'll tell him." she said.

"Alright, ciao." I said.

"Ciao." Chi said, hanging up.

I giggled and went to the kitchen to make something for the twins and Luddy to eat. The babies got mashed carrots. I made some wurst for Luddy and myself. Everyone came, well I forced them, to the kitchen so we could eat together.

I told Luddy about Chiara being pregnant and he made a joke about the two of us. "You Italian girls can't not be pregnant? I'm worried about Monika's future if your sister has a girl." he joked.

"One, you know Toni has been non-stop trying to get a baby. Two, Monika isn't going to be her aunt." I said, not trying to swear in front of them. I still couldn't believe that Julchen was a porn star. Well, I guess she wont be anymore now that she has influence over the twins.

"Which aunt?" he asked.

"Are you saying Chiara is a 'Julchen'?" I asked.

He laughed, "I'm just saying, she keeps having sex with Antonio."

"Ludwig, don't use words like that around the children." I scolded.

"Alice, they are a week old, they aren't going to understand the words your trying to keep from them now." he said.

"Don't use logic against me." I protested.

"Go get dressed while I clean up. And could you dress your favorite little countries while your at it?" he asked.

"Fine." I sang, picking up the twins.

After fifteen minutes of protesting and crying I dressed Luca. Next it was Monika. Luddy came in and laughed as I fought with her to get dressed. He took over dressing Monika while I changed. After I was dressed I loaded the babies into the car while he got dressed.

He took back roads until we stopped at a kennel. I looked at Luddy, he smiled at me at parked the car. He got out and took Monika into his arms. I grunted and grabbed Luca. We walked hand in hand into the kennel.

"Ludwig? Why are we here?" I asked.

"They told me how you didn't feel safe without me around." he said.

"So we are getting a dog?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, sweetie, we are getting three."

I stared at him. "Three dogs? So clearly you have time to walk them and money to feed them."

"Come one, when I'm not home who is going to guard you and the kids?" he asked.

"What ever." I said, "But they better be cute."

Luddy laughed and opened the door. Luca struggled in my arms to go see the puppies, Monika took notice and began to do the same. Luddy laughed and walked towards them. There were rows and rows of dogs. I sighed and decided to go along with it.

When we left we adopted three freaking dogs. Blackie, Berlitz, and Aster. Blackie is a German Shepard, Aster is a golden retriever, and Berlitz is a dachshund. Only Berlitz is a boy, but we made sure they were all fixed and had their shots. We went to the store and bought supplies and then went home. I watched as the three dogs bonded with Luca and Monika. I had to admit, they were kind of cute.

"Do you like them? They are all angels." Luddy asked.

"They are fine, but you know I'm more of a cat person. I was just expecting something different on the day my curse is, you know lifted." I said.

"Alice, If you want, later I'll take you out to dinner. Your sister can watch these five with Toni, right?" he asked.

I sighed, feeling like I was depressed. "That isn't what I want. But I don't know what I want."

"What sounds fun to you?" he asked.

"Ludwig, are you listening? I just said I don't know. I just feel weird." I said.

He looked at me, "Like what?" he asked.

"I feel like there isn't anything I can do now. All this suspense was focused on stopping Vladimir. We did, but now what? Isn't there anything else to do now?" I said.

"Alice, your a mother now. You can't go on adventures because your bored. You'll find what will catch your interest soon." he said.

"Luddy, I am just bored. How about we send the twins to Chi's and we just stay here and watch a movie." I said.

"Alright, call her when your ready." he said.

Chiara came and picked the twins up. I told her I'd come over later to tell Toni. But now was my time to be with Ludwig after weeks of constant interruptions. We ate some pasta and then sat down to watch some American movie.

After a few minutes into the movie we began we just sat on the couch kissing. He hovered over me and held me down as I kissed his neck. Something ignited and we just found intense sparks. We left the movie running as we went to the bedroom to continue, safely, what was happening on the couch.

The next morning, I was in Luddy's arms once again. We'd gone for about two hours before we just quit and fell asleep. Blackie and Aster came in and woke us up by barking. Bertliz trotted in and kind of growled until I got away from Luddy. I knew these dogs instantly liked him. Even after our night alone I still needed to know what else I could do now that I was free, I didn't know after months of the old life.

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