Chapter Eight: "She's Just a friend"

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Samari's outfit above ⬆⬆
"Ugh" I groaned stretching my back out. Rolling over I shook Jace awake.

"Mmm...what ma'?" He asks, his voice thick with sleep.
"I'm hungry. Come on lets get up." I said pulling on his legs.
"Noooooo" Jace whined pulling me on top of him and tucking my head into his neck. I breathed in his scent, slowly relaxing.

Smiling Jace lifted me up bridal style and carried me into the kitchen. He put me down on the counter and walked to refrigerator.

I stared at his back wondering how this came to be...Me and him, I mean we're not dating yet but I'd love to...damn.

"What do you want for breakfast ma'?" Jace asked facing me with a million dollar smile on his face. Smiling back at him I jumped off the counter and walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his body.

"Hmmm? How about omelettes?" I asked burying my face into his back.
"Anything for you ma'" Jace said turning around and kissing me slowly.

"Jace! Who is this girl? Where is Blithe?" A shrill voice rang out, breaking our kiss.
"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Jace asked facing them. His mom and dad....oh my god #HYPERVENTILATING

"Jace I won't ask again. Who is this girl?" His mother asked. Jace looked at his mother then looked me straight in the eye and broke my heart.

"She's just a friend" he said. Looking at me with hurt in his eyes.
"Can I have a word with you Jace...Alone?" His mother said looking at me
"Uhhh I'm gonna go...bye." I said practically sprinting out of the room.

Tears ran down my face as I remembered the pain of everything and everyone who always left me just like him. I ran upstairs in to the room, threw on my clothes and grabbed my phone off the table. As I was packing my stuff Jace came busting into the room.
"Don't fu*king touch me!" I said turning to him. And he looked defeated the pain in his eyes almost had me feeling sorry for his stupid a*s "ma' please...stop" Jace said grabbing my hand and spinning me around to face him.
"No. Don't ma' me. Fu*k Jace I freaking trusted you. Gosh I'm so fu*king and me we're fu*king DONE!" I yelled, running down the steps I rushed for the front door and slammed it open, running down the pathway I called Layani.
"Hey girl" Layani said laughing
"La-lay" I stuttered out through my tears
"Whats wrong....what happened." Layani asked becoming that protective older sister I never had
"Say no more I'm on my way" Layani said and I heard the car starting in the background.

About 30 minutes later Layani pulled up and she looked absolutely pissed. She started to go in the house but I stopped her.
"No lay just take me home" I said sounding defeated
Sighing heavily she turned and walked back to the car with me in tow. We got into the car and she drove us back into the city.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked
"No. Not really..I just want to go home." I said leaning my head back on the seat. Exhausted I slipped into a deep sleep.

I woke up to my shoulder being shaken "Samari we're here" Layani said, smiling slightly I grabbed my bags and walked up to my door.
I turned the key in the lock, dropped my bags and went straight to the couch where I planned to wallow in my self pity and binge watch love & hip-hop.

What the hell is wrong with me, crying over a fu*king man.

Standing up I turned off the tv and walked upstairs to shower I got undressed so I was only in my underwear halfway during the process of getting undeessed there was a knock at the door, grabbing pale pink sheer robe I made my way back down the stairs and opened the door.


"Ma' what the fu*k. Why did you leave like that? You had me so fu*king worried." Jace said reaching out to hold me but before he could I stepped out of his reach shaking my head

"Don't you fu*king touch me" I said laughing slightly but it was a bitter laugh and I know he knew it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Can I come in? Please?" Jace asked looking around at anywhere else but me.

Reluctantly I nodded stepping to the side to let him in. Now some of y'all are probably like 'what the fu*k' but I know if I don't let him in he'll stay out there all day.

Jace walked inside with his head down and sat on my couch.

"Look Jace I was just about to shower so...You have five minutes to say whatever you want to say." I said pulling my robe closer to my body and sitting down on the love seat across from him.

"Ma' I don't think of you as 'just a friend.' In fact I want us to be more than friends but my mother she, she doesn't know about us and I am supposed to be dating Blithe and ma' I know I should have told you but I-"

Standing up I was fu*king pissed.

"Jace you dumb a*s mother*king son of a bit*h. Just because yo' mama don't know about us you go and pull some dumb a*s sh*t like that Jace gosh I thought you were smart. Your a 22 year old fu*king man who is living in his own house not his mother's. ACT. LIKE. IT!" I yelled at him.

"Get the hell out and when you get your sh*t together thats when you can come and see me." I said pointing towards the door. Jace left out of the house and when he tried to say something I slammed the door in his face.

How the hell does he think he can try and play me. Really nig*ga? Like im not on your level.

Walking back upstairs I got into the shower.

After I got out of the shower I decided to visit Layani and Marcel.

I walked to my closet and pulled out some red shorts a cheetah print top and my black platform heels. After getting dressed I left the house and drove to Layani's house.

On the way to Lay's house I stopped by krispy kreme and got a dozen donuts.

As I pulled up to Lay's house there was an extra car in the driveway, waving it off I got out of the car and started walking towards the door. Before I could ring the door bell the door was thrown open to see a fuming Marcel and he looked fu*king pissed it was actually quite funny but I didn't laugh.

"Celery stick, what's wrong?" I asked looking up at him.

"Nothing man." He said walking outside and opening up a bottle of beer.

"Marcel? What the hell I thought you quit!" I yelled at him. Walking over to him I prepared to snatch the bottle away from him but he moved out of my way.

"Marcel don't nobody have time for this dumb a*s sh*t like your about to have a fu*king kid and your still drinking don't no baby want to come into this world with a fu*ked up familyand that's exactly what your doing your destroying your family and I bet you don't even care. So suck your bullsh*t up and take it like a real man." I spoke deadly calm to him even though I was boiling on the inside.

Leaving him outside I walked into the house seeing Layani sitting in a corner crying and my heart hurt for her.

"Lay Lay? What's wrong?" I asked sitting down in front of her.

"Ari this ain't gonna work no more I can't do this. Marcel he doesn't care about me. About the baby. Nothing at all but his damn self and I can't do it. This is too much stress for me and it's not good for the baby and I can't do it anymore. So i'm leaving him, that's why he's out there drinking like always." She spoke and I just sat there listening to her like how a good friend would but I was still pissed Marcel dumb a*s.

"Well lay do you need a place to stay?" I asked her.

"No i've been planning this for a while now so we're all set." She said looking down at her stomach.

"Okay Lay but whenever you need me just know I'll always be here as your bestfriend more like sister and I love you" I said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Thanks Ari. And I love you too so much." She said hugging me tightly.

I opened the door and saw Marcel still drinking except now he had about three or four miller light forties.

"Fu*k you Marcel. You don't deserve Layani or the fu*king baby!" I yelled in Marcels face and the next thing I knew I was on the ground blood dripping from my head, ears ringing and the last thing I heard was a scream before I blacked out.

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