Chapter Ten: His?

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Samari's POV

"Ughhhh. What happened?" I said looking up.

"Fu*k ma'." Jace said

"What are you doing here?" I said rolling my eyes but stopping when a shooting pain started in my head.

"Are you okay?" Jace said reaching out to me.

"Do I fu*king look okay?" I snapped. Then I regretted it. He was here for me and I was being a fake a*s b*tch.

"Ma I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If tou never would have been mad at me you never would have stormed out and you would be with me not here in the hospital all bandaged up and sh*t" Jace said coming to stand beside me.

"No It'snot tour fault. But damn nig*a I got mad and jealous that you didn't want your parents knowing about me and yo' bi*tch a*s lied to me." I said looking up at him.

"Nah Iain't never lied to you ma. What you talking bout?"

"You told me that tou and Blithe never had anything going on. Obviously yo' parents think otherwise because they seem to know more than I do. Damn Jace I mean if you trying to start a relationship with me then we have to be completely honest with each other." I said

"Honest? Let me tell you about honest ma because if I'm right you ain't even told a lick of truth to me. Nothing, every time I ask you about some sh*t you change the subject. So don't come to me talking about honesty and truth and you can't give me the same." Jace said looking at me.

"You don't know a damn thing about me so don't try to sit here and fu*king figure me know what? Just fu*king leave I don't need you here. And I sure as hell don't want you here being a fu*king as*shole." I said pointing towards the door.

"Well if your gonna be like that the-"
Before Jace could finish speaking his bull sh*t the doctor came in smiling at us.

"Ah.. Mrs.Collins I see your awake. I'm Dr.Garrett" he said.

"Actually it's no-

"Yes she is Dr.Garrett awake, alive and safe." Jace said cutting me off.
I know this nig*a did not lie about me being his WIFE! What the hell when I get out of this excruciating pain I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

His? His? Psht. Not ina million years will I ever.

While I was silently cussing Jace out it seems my oh so lovely husband and my doctor where having a good ole' conversation about me.

"Well we canhave her released now if you'd like to take her home. Just make sure she doesn't do anything to further damage her injuries. So I'm afraid no sexual activities until her next check up which would be in about two weeks from today." Dr.Garrett said coming to take the IV out of my arm.

When Dr.Garrett left us alone I sat up and went to get my clothes.

"Fu*king bye Jace" I said putting on my pants on.

"Look ma al-"

"No you already said what you had to say and I don't need you to take me home, so just leave."

Jace walked out the door leaving me alone. Grabbing my phone I called Layani.

"Hey. C-can you come get me?" I asked her about to seriously lose my sh*t and cry.
"Sure I'm already here" she said walking into the room.

Layani took me in her arms and that's when I just broke down.

Short Chapter im pretty sure y'all hate me but I'vebeen at a road block in this story plus I'mtrying to write another for y'all but....remember to

FOLLOW ME ON IG:halee.Jones

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