Chapter Twelve: Dangerous woMAN?

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When Samari called me I was fu*king irritated because she always coming at me with some bullsh*t talking about I don't tell her sh*t when she's the one keeping fucking secrets. And when I went over to her house I was mad as hell how the fu*k does she expect me to be all in for her when she's only giving me three percent.

Last time I checked a relationship is supposed to be two people who are equally in this sh*t together but I guess its different for her.

The second time she called I was ready to say some bullsh*t to her but when she told me that another ni**a had his hands on her I saw red. That night when she laid in my bed at the beach house and she asked me if I would ever hurt her I vowed to myself that I would never hurt her or let anyone else hurt her. I don't even know her and im having these feelings.

I was so afraid that I would lose her. As I got into my truck I tried calling her again but it went straight to voicemail making me anxious. By the time I got to the club I had called a total of thirty times and left about ten messages.

Getting out of my truck I ran through the doors ignoring the shouts of the bouncer, nothing will keep me from her....nothing. I looked all around the club looking for a place that could hold someone. Lookingto my left I saw a black staircase I immediately ran up it and saw a door. As I was about to bust through the door I heard her screaming and kicked the door down.

When I saw that bit*h a*s nig*as hands on whats mine I lost it. I ran up to him and threw him against the wall, he slumped tithe ground groaning but I wasn't done. I walked towards him and grabbed him but his shirt lifting him up.

"Don't ever and I mean EVER! Come near whats mine do we have and understanding?" I said yelling in his face.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked me

"Don't fu*king worry about it. Just know that if you want to live you'll leave her alone and never come next to her again. Do I make myself clear?" I said


Grabbing his head I slammed it into the wall and proceed to kick the sh*t out of him. When he passed out I looked over to Samari she was so bloody her arms were scratched and her God her face it looked worse than when Chris beat the sh*t out of Rihanna. Damn Jace that was fu*ked up, but that was the only way I could describe her. And I was fu*king mad.

I kneeled down to pick her up and carry her out if the club. I walked towards my truck and carefully placed her in the backseat.

Walking around to my side I got in and started to drive to my house. No way in hell was I gonna let her stay at her place with a fu*king psycho on the loose. As I looked over at her I sighed. When I'm with her I'mso happy even though I haven't known her long I know that I'm not letting go any time soon.

Pulling up to my house I put the truck in park and walked ov over to Samari's side I lifted her into my arms and carried her into the house. I took her into my room and laid her down on the bed, she was still unconscious.

I walked into the bathroom to get a wet washcloth and then wiped her face down. It didn't look bad but it was going to bruise slightly.


That's the only thing I felt.

What the hell happened?

The last thing I remember is going to the bathroom and seeing Travis...

Travis? Nah nah Ari your tripping he's in jail...right?

Looking around I noticed I wasn't in my room or my house for that matter.
I was in a room. The walls were black and the carpet was black. Damn black black black. Everything, as I looked down I saw I was dressed in a big white t-shirt and my underwear.

The fuck? Who changed me? Where the hell am I?

As I was about to get out of the bed the door banged open and I jumped up.

"What the hell Jace you scared the sh*t out of me." I said holding my heart whuch was beating a mile a minute.

"Fu*k sorry. I didn't knowyou were up. How are you feeling?" He asked

"My whole freaking body hurts I feel like I was run over by a fu*king truck. What happened?"

"Well after we fought I guess you decided to go out and then next thing I get a call from you and your crying and sh*t and saying that he's about to hurt you and I asked you where you were and then I beat the bastards a*s and brought you here and no here I am explaining it to you. So who was that guy?" He asked.

"Nobody Jace. Look I know you don't want me here and we have to go to work tomorrow so I'll just leave." I said making my way to my clothes.

"Fu*king hell Samari. You almost got fu*king kidnapped and you say its nothing and he's NOBODY. What do you think I'm stupid or something? How the hell do you expect me to continue thisn sh*t and your not willing to work it out?"

"Really Jace? Me not willing to work it out. That's what I was trying to do yesterday but you wanted tobbe an as*shole and you know what I dont want to work it out anymore. Like you said let's just go back to how it was before we even met. That's what you want right? You know what don't even answer that im done."

I guess it was all good until the blame got put on him right?

Lets just blame Samari and everything is Gucci.

I don't even give a f*ck anymore.


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