Introduction - A Letter From the Editor

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Dear Reader,

One day I received a package in the mail. Curious because no one ever uses the mail anymore, I quickly took it into my office. Upon opening it I found three handwritten, barely legible manuscripts and a note written in beautiful curly-q cursive which read as follows.

Dear Editor,

Enclosed you will find a trilogy my wife wrote detailing a very interesting chapter of her life. I promise she is not insane. They will require a bit of editing, but I believe if you give them a chance they could become something great.

All the best,

Peeta Mellark

His "i"s were dotted with little hearts.

Those manuscripts I received are now known to you as The Hunger Games and the books following. However, no one will ever understand the hard work I put into making these books presentable...until now.

I cannot hide it any longer. Soon to be presented for your consideration is the original manuscript as it was sent to me. Maybe it will prove just how much money I deserve for this undertaking *ahem.*


The Editor

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