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Carrie-Ann took in a deep breath as she stepped out of her car into the swarm of paparazzi.

They asked question after question wanting to know why she was here, who she was having lunch with, where Harry was.

Once inside, she looked around for a couple of seconds before finding Joel sat with his back to her. She headed over confidently, placing her bag down first before sitting.

"Hi," He smiles.

She rolls her eyes. "Alright, what's going on. What's your deal?"

"No lunch first?" He smirks.

The two order, she ordered a small salad not really feeling hungry whilst sat across from him.

"How have you been?"

"Fine Joel. Why did you want to meet?" She asks again.

"Look, I was just as upset about our break up as you were-"

"Upset? I wasn't upset, I was relieved." She reveals.

"Was there someone else?" He asks seriously.

"When I'm with someone, I'm with someone. You know that,"

"But you said-"

"I was angry, another girl answered your phone, you missed our anniversary to fly to Vegas to then hook up with someone." She was trying to remain calm but her blood pressure was rising.

"I didn't mean to hurt you,"

"You haven't hurt me," She scoffs. "I wouldn't lower myself to be hurt by you. You're only lowering yourself by talking shit about me."

"It's just because I love you,"

She shakes her head. "That isn't love, that's emotional abuse. I won't stand for that. Don't try to make your bitch ways look like love."

He swallowed, he knew he wasn't winning her over, or convincing her that he did genuinely love her.

"You have drove me insane, people are constantly telling me about another thing you've said and I'm saying you stop it, it ends now." She demands. "If you continue I'm eligible to have it down as harassment."

Joel scoffs. "You can't do that-"

"I'm a Lockhart," She interrupts. "I can do whatever the fuck I want." She smirks crossing her legs knowing he couldn't reply to that.

Even though she hates using her name, she knew it struck fear within him. She didn't have to say it, but he knew that if it continued her father would get involved.

And nobody wanted that.

"Fine," He nods. "I can see how I must have affected you, and I apologise for that. I guess it's taken me a little longer to cope with the breakup."

Another ploy for emotional blackmail.

Carrie-Ann thanks the waitress for her salad and sprinkles some salt onto it. "People breakup all the time Joel," She shrugs forking a cucumber. "It won't kill you,"

He was silent. "You were just the best, y'know?" He softens. "I'm not saying this to get you back or anything, I have just missed you and I guess I just wanted to hurt you."

"I understand that," She smiles. "But the attention seeking bullshitting is only going to make you unattractive to other potential girlfriends."

He sighs. "Yeah,"

They sit in silence for a couple of minutes. Joel looks over at her whilst she looks away, admiring her one last time.

"I'm sorry, Carrie." He says.

She doesn't say anything, she just watches him.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you, the cheating and spreading stuff. It'll stop, I'll stop."

She swallows. "Thank you,"

He smiles at her and she smiles back, he used to love her smile, maybe he still does.

"So you're with Harry then?"

She nods. "Yeah,"

"He's a good guy.. He treats you well?"

"Very well,"

He looked down, his internal battle trying to get the best of him, but he overcomes it. "Do you mind if I order wine?"

She frowns. "It's literally just one,"

He plays with his food. "I just want a glass,"

She shrugs. "Fine, yeah. I don't want anything though, waters fine for me, thanks."

Once Joel had a sip of the wine he felt better, comfortable and confident to be sat across from his stunning ex.

"So what's Harry doing now?"

"He's in Thailand,"

"Oh," Joel smirks. "I bet he is."

Carrie-Ann frowns. "What?"

"No one ever leaves Thailand in a relationship."

"He's touring,"

"I'm a talent manager, babe. I know how these acts work, I know what bands are like. They have a party, few groupies turn up, they drink too much and things go down. Things you'll never know about, no one ever knows what goes on in hotel rooms. And when you have their money and their security.. I bet they even hold secrets back from each other."

"I know I can trust Harry."

"But does Harry trust Harry? There's always mistakes,"

"Guys like you make mistakes, Joel." Carrie-Ann defends. "Harry is wise enough to understand consequences, if he is unfaithful he knows we'd be over, but he doesn't want that."

"You're very confident, you've been together what.. Two months?"

"I'm done having this conversation," Joel smirks finishing his wine, he knew he'd touched a nerve and even though he agreed to end being a nuisance he couldn't help it with the wine building his confidence to push her to the edge one last time.

Carrie-Ann gathers her bag together and stands up. "As long as you're clear with ending this bullshit, I have nothing else to say to you."

Joel nods. "It's over with,"

She swallows watching as security prepare her exit for her, making a path to her car through the paparazzi that had been at the window the whole time taking photos. "Good. Bye Joel,"

"See you around," He smirks watching as she leaves before muttering a quiet; "Or not," And ordering another glass of wine.



Some crazy things coming up, be prepared! Try and guess what they are..

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