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A/N: just a little chapter for you guys, I don't think it's anything great if I'm honest and I'm sorry! Hope you enjoy anyway.

Nearly at 100k can you believe it!?

Comment/Vote you legends.

Es xo.

P.s Happy Birthday notbritishatall !! (It's your birthday in England) xo


Today was a low day for Carrie-Ann, it had been a week since she last spoke to Harry on FaceTime.

She'd taken the break well, she dove into her work and kind of hid herself away from everyone except Amy who would visit regularly to complain about being pregnant.

"We need to have some fun," Natalie cheered as they spoke on the phone.

"Your fun and my fun are two completely different things," Carrie-Ann scoffed as she swung in her office chair.

"Let's have some of my fun. Let's go out, drink, live."

"I don't know.."

"Come on Carrie-Ann, we never go out."

"I have things to do.."

"So do I but if I did everything I needed to do all the time I'd live a very boring life."

Carrie-Ann rolls her eyes.

"Come on Carrie, we always have fun don't we?"

"I guess, let me think about it?"

Natalie sighs. "Fine. Think about it long and hard."

Carrie-Ann laughs. "I will, speak later."


Carrie-Ann had tired herself out from working so hard so she gave herself a break and got some food. Her book was starting, she's officially made a start with it and she couldn't quite believe it.

Her phone rang and she was quite surprised that it was Harry, he was calling from his US number too.


"Hey," He answered.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, yourself?"

She sighed. "I'm okay,"

"In in the US now, I'll be in LA in a week."


"Come to the show? Then we can spend some time together afterwards,"

"That'll be nice,"

"Yeah. I thought so too,"

Carrie-Ann smiles faintly. "I'll see you next week then?"

"Yeah.. I'm," He sighs heavily.

"You're what?" She asks curiously.

"I'm going out tonight, they'll try to run some kind of story I'm sure, just a pre-warning. I'm just going out for drinks."

"Me too," Carrie-Ann answers.

Harry sits up a little straighter. "Huh?"

"I'm going out with Natalie for drinks,"

"You never go out," His voice was soft.

"Exactly," She chuckles. "It's about time I do."

"Okay," He swallows. "Have fun, be safe."

"You too,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too Harry,"

They both smile as they end the phone call, Carrie-Ann groans as she realised she had to actually physically go out tonight now.


Carrie-Ann felt happy, but she did drink two glasses of wine before she left out with Natalie - so that's probably a contributing factor.

They were let into one of the most exclusive bars in LA. Carrie-Ann never had trouble getting in, they simply saw her face and she was let in. That was probably the only upside to this fame thing.

Of course the paparazzi followed them and asked her ridiculous questions such as "why aren't you out with Harry?" And "does Harry know you're out?" Like she belonged to him or something.

"Can you bel-believe them?" Carrie-Ann drunkenly slurred as she sipped another drink.

Natalie had stopped drinking, she'd realised that Carrie-Ann was too far gone and she had to be sensible and sober in order to make sure she was okay. She loved to drink, but she loved Carrie-Ann more and feared that if she got drunk too, their safety would be at risk. Of course they had Carrie-Ann's bodyguard constantly watching and waiting for something to happen, but Natalie felt it was her responsibility to watch out for her best friend.

"They assume I am Harry's." Carrie-Ann scoffs. "I'm his girlfriend, not property. You know?"

Natalie nods sympathetically.

"I always belong to something, I'm always the daughter of Quentin and Amelie Lockhart, or Joel's girlfriend, now Harry's. When.. When will I be mine? My own person?" She asks.

Natalie sips her juice. "You're your own person Carrie."

Carrie-Ann shakes her head, she was completely wasted. "I belong to too many things and I hate it. I'm a terrible person,"

Natalie frowns. "No you're not,"

"I cheated on Joel," Carrie-Ann blurts out. "And I have to pay for it for the rest of my life, I hurt him and he's gone," She begins to get emotional, a stray tear falling. "I hurt him and he's not even here for me to tell him how sorry I am,"

Natalie wipes Carrie-Ann's face, fearful that someone may take a photo. "He forgives you,"

Carrie-Ann finished her drink. "He was depressed, he needed me and what did I do? I pushed him away and went into the arms of someone else."

"Carrie-Ann, don't beat yourself up about this. Let's go home,"

Carrie-Ann shakes her head. "I want a drink,"

"I think you've had enough, come on." Natalie grabs her hand but Carrie-Ann pushes her away gently.

"I want a drink,"

Natalie sighs, giving in. "One more then we'll go home."

Carrie-Ann grins. "Perfect."

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