When I Saw You First

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Dear Chris,

I've seen you a lot around our theatre class, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could possibly show me around sometime. Thank you!


The Socially Awkward Freshman

As I sealed the letter with my cool saliva and stuck it in his locker, I didn't know that we'd end up being best friends. However, we'll get to that part over time. I was a freshman in high school, I loved Taylor Swift, I was obsessed with Fall Out Boy, and Choir and Drama. I was ready to meet new
people and Chris was the all around guy. A senior, who also was obsessed with Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At The Disco, an amazing musician. Why wouldn't I want to be friends with him.


Dear Sarah,

I'd love to show you around! I'm glad you chose to join theatre! It's an amazing place to grow. Meet me in the courtyard at lunch.


The Socially Awkward Senior

When he wrote me back I was so stoked. I hadn't really stepped out of my own little shell before. It made me excited for the things ahead, that high school had in store.

I met him at lunch that day, and we talked for what seemed like forever, yet it had only been 30 minutes. We had lunch together everyday over the year and we became great friends yet I didn't realize we'd be the best of friends like we are today, and I never expected I'd fall in love with him.

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