Chapter 21

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Joyn's POV:

Moving out of their flat is not bad.It's great actually.I'll have a reason to miss Louis so much.Oops.Not only Louis but Niall,Harry,Zayn and Liam!


"whos is it?" I asked before opening it sucks because I don't have a peephole but I'm fine with it.Sometimes,peepholes creept the crap out of me..

"Lurwi!" he answered. I jumped in excitement.

and then I opened the door and I saw Louis trying to be sexy.He's leaning and he's pouting his lips which is not cool.Seriously.

"MIss me already?" Louis asked... "Nope." I said then he fake cried. "Meanie" he said then he hugged me so tight,I can't even breathe!

"What brings you here Lou?" I asked.and then I cleaned my sweater because I ate a wafer stick and crumbies are all over me.

"I missed curly blondie." he answered. "Really?It's only 3 days missed me like that?" I asked then I stuck my tongue out. "Yup" he said then he leaned towards me. "ew. Louis cooties!" I groaned then I ran then he chased me.Woah,this boy is so fast!he caught me and we both fell.

"My ass hurts!" I said then we laughed. "'s a bum not an ASS" Louis corrected me. "I'm not british so I can call this (squeezing my ass) anything I want.Understand?" I said then he just laughed.

Oh,really.the right cheek of my ass hurts.I think it had a bruise.I will kill him literally if my ass cheek had some bruise.

"Hmmm...How are you Louis?" I asked.. But still,my butt cheeks hurts like hell.

"I'm fine.Hmm..last night,some papz were chasing me and asking me how did I manage to be happy despite of El and I's break up" Louis said. "and what did you say to them?" 

"I said (clears throat) I'm not MANAGING it.I'm really happy because I have great friends and Eleanor and I are still friends I have to be sober because we broke up?" He said. "Woah. you're amazing Louis. you and your Sassiness never fails" then he high fived.

"So? and me.whatcha say Madelaine?" Louis said.

"Uhh.I think it's too early Louis?You and El just broke up.don't you think it'll ruin your reputation?I don't want to think that I'm the reason of your break up" I said then he frowned.

"Why would you think that they would do that?" Louis asked me then he raised his eyebrow

"I know what they do.I even got hate bec--" Oops.It's a secret.Dang!Why do I have to tell him what's on my mind??

"you got hate?!" he shouted.

"Louis.I-I--was not." I lied.

"aha!and you're lying!C'mon tell me what" Louis said while crossing his arms which freaks me out.

"(sighs) Okay.They tweeted me that I'm a big flirt.I flirted Harry and now I'm flirting you.and they said that I'm a whore,slut,bitch...hmm?oh!and a golden digger." I said "Gold digger" Louis corrected me. "Yeah whatever.Uhmm oh and they also tweeted me that I'm nowhere near 'Eleanor Calder'  aaaaaand?I should go back to where I belong." I said then I slouched.

"What?!They said that to you?and what did you responded?" 

"Nothing.If I tweet 'em back they will think I'm defensive because it's true.But I know it's not...I know what I do.I may be dumb.but I'm not a whore,slut,bitch,GOLD DIGGER,a flirt or whatever they say to me that is not pleasing." I said then I let out a big sigh. I'm trying not to cry.

"Oh..hmm.why did they say that you flirted Harry?" he asked. "Because Harry's the one who made my twitter and he tweeted my first tweet.something that is related with him" I answered. "Good to know then...Don't worry Joyn,I'll protect you." Louis said.

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