Chapter 6

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Hi @swagmasta03. this one's for you! Thank you for supporting my stories :* Lovelots!


Joyn's POV:

First day of work...I'm so excited and at the same time,a little nervous.

Topman baby!

"Hi" I greeted the guard. "...and you are?" he asked.

"I'm Joyn,I'm a new worker here at the store..." I said..Oh pleaaase.

"Oh.there you are..please go there with that girl,her name's Belle.She's a newbie also" he said.



"Hi" that girl,I'm sure that's Belle.she greeted me and I think she's kinda shy.She shouldn't be.right?

"Hi there.I'm Joyn" I said the I shook her hands. "Belle.Belle Woods. from Ma-Manchester" she said. And why is she like that?Do I look like I eat human?

"Ugh.Dont be shy.I'm pretty nice Belle.we should be friends because we'll work here" I said.I'm trying to enlighten her day.Yey me Joyn!

"'re really nice.and you're pretty." she said.awwe thanks.Only my mom and my friends say that to me. "Thanks,you too.So dont be shy..we're pretty right?" I said.

"Uhh..Here's our first costumer..--Oh my freaking god." she said. I was tying my shoe lace..I didnt even see who it was.Is he famous or what?

Then I saviours. O my-- Niall,Louis and Harry. Of course with Eleanor.

"You work here?Already?" Louis asked. Duhh. what does it look like? "Oh dont act dumb,babe.Of course she works here.right Joyn?" Eleanor said.I dont if that's an insult or what.But hey,I really work here.then I saw Harry looking at Eleanor like 'shhh..what the fuck are you doing?' then El just smiled at me.

"You're buying uhmm?" I said.then they said yes so,as a part of my job,I need to assist them.

"Come with us" I whispered to Belle.She's kinda shy.

Then I put all the new items of the store to let them try it. I didnt know that this was Louis and Eleanor's favorite shop. Ughh. What are the chances,right?

El and Louis went to the fitting room..

"Hey,Joyn?" Niall said. I looked at him "Mind If you introduce me to your co-worker?" he added. "who?Belle?" I asked. and he gave me his 'Duhhh' look. "Hey Belle!" then she walked towards us..SHYLY.

"Meet Niall,and that's Harry." I said. then Harry shook her hands but Niall here hugged her. I can see that Belle is blushing.


We went back to our station..

Our costumers were really loud...Especially Harry and Niall.

Belle and Niall had exchanged numbers. Oh dear God,I hope these two will go on a date sooner or later..

"Boo!"Harry scared the crap out of me!

"What the hell?I'm trying to work here!" I said. then he laughed at me.Mean Styles.

"Really?Are you working or 'praying'?" he sang the word 'praying' (Just like Louis Tomlinson's part in More than this.) he's a real freak.

"Please?Harry?try to shut up" I said then he did! and then he pulled his phone out of his pocket.I saw his wallpaper... Oh my.. Is that my freaking friend?

"Hey?!Why are you with Quincy?!" I asked. then he looked at me.SURPRISED. "No!She's not Quincy!She's CYG!" he said. Uggggh. "Cyg came from the names Quincy and Gaile dumbass" then I also pulled my phone out of my pocket. then I shoved it in his face.

"Oh my god" we both said. "You went to Detroit?!" I asked then he nodded. "So you were that 'boy' who dated my best friend 1 year ago huh?" I teased him.and aaaawww,he blushed.

"Yeah,though I haven't seen her after that.I wanted to see her but...I can't.I'm too busy to go back there..and I dont even know if she still remembers me.What a small world huh?" he said. Yeah..reallly small world.

A little creepy actually.

Harry flirted with my bestfriend

and Niall over here?He's flirting with my co worker. What the eff right?

Then after our small talk,El and Louis picked many many many many dresses,tops,trousers,BOXERS...

"Louis,I'll pay for my things okay?" El said. But Louis doesnt want to.

So El here,pulled all her clothes and separated it from Louis' 

Wow. "I'm amazed." I said to Eleanor. "Why sweetie?"

"" I said then she smiled.

Why do I feel a little jealous?


The noisy costumers are already gone,but the smile from Belle's face?Not yet gone.What's with her?

"What did Niall did to you?" I asked. "Ugggh.He's soooooo hot and he's nice.and he said he'd like to hang out with me sometime,and I told him that I'm available tomorrow after our work." She said. "really?Niall?" then I rolled my eyes.


After our work,I went home.I'm a little tired.Kidding,I'm SO TIRED.

the boys already trusted me so they gave me my own key.Nice right?

"Uhhh.Sweet mother of couches." I said then I didnt even noticed that I already slept.


"William!" I was shouting because I saw him.. I was about to run after him. But someone held my arm really really tight.

"No you can't!" and then I saw it was Jin. "what the fuck are you doing here?LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted. then some petals of red roses were poured at me.

"William!" I shouted again.but I think he cant hear me..So,I ran again.

"William!William!please!" I said then I kneeled.

I saw my bestfriends...Stacey,Quincy,Flor and Deni...they all looked at me. "No,dont run after'll hurt you more."  Flor said.

I dont understand why..Why am I running after William?then he walked towards me.But his face was all blurry.

"William..I tried to hide becuse wanted me to.bu-but Why William?" I said then..


"William!" I shouted.. Phew.It was just a dream.

"Who the fuck is William?" I said. Oh well. Nobody will understand me.

then bam!what are the chances.. Louis came out of his room scratching his eyes. "Why are you shouting?Is there a problem?" he asked.

"Uhmm..I had a dream,a weird dream actually." I said then I followed him in the kitchen. 

"Louis?" I asked. "yeah?" he answered back.

"Hmmm..have you experienced dreaming about this person that you havent met in your whole life?" I asked. I wanted to know.

"Uhh.I think so?But here's a fact about dreams..Your mind can't make a person up.If you had a dream about a person that never met,In the future,you will meet he/she" he said. "Good to know..Gahhhd.I'm sorry if I bothered you Louis." I said then I got a glass of cold water..

I wanna know who William is.

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