Prologue: Welcome to Galbia

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The picture above is where the High Royals live.

The planet of Galbia rests in the lightest place in the universe. Its inhabitants hold the greatest responsibility of all. They help protect other planets and maintain order in the universe. Galbians on Earth were even referred to as gods, that is one of the reasons many early religions have similar gods. Another reason why beings on Earth thought of them as gods is because they resembled themselves so much, even in their normal from where the only difference is eye and hair color and the pointed black-tipped ears. But the Galbians tried not to become flattered by such a high titled like "gods" but as time went on, and they helped other beings on other planets who started to refer to them as gods, they would only shrug their shoulders. So they what were called Gods? As long as they referred to themselves as Galbians and refused the alien's worshipping, they hoped that the real gods-assuming there were gods out there-wouldn't punish them.

The Galbians didn't have a religion. They didn't believe in a single or multiple gods, but they took great fascination in other planets' religion. And due to no struggles with religions and beliefs, they quickly became friends with life forces on many planets, including the Technobots (the closest Engish word for them) who granted them many advancements in technology such as the Communicator.

The Communicator is like a watch, only it can tell the time from any and every planet in the universe, as long as its programmed into it. That, and so much more. The Communicator, as the name suggests, can allow you to call anyone from any place, no cell signals nor phone provider needed. It can act as spy gear and with a swipe on its clock-like face, a hologram of a computer shows up. The user can change the size of the screen too and use it for just about anything. Mostly, it's used to detect if a person is disguised as the planets inhabitants or if it is part of the indigenous people. This was especially helpful during wars and times when trust was an issue. The Communicator has become a necessity for the Galbians as it helps them with their missions to other planets, as well as communicate with friends and families across the universe. Because of its importance, it is given to every Galbian as soon as they reach the age of thirteen and are able to visit other planets.

The planet Galbia has six major areas of life, but only five of them are ruled by queens and kings. There are five land masses including a central, smaller land mass and one rumored to be hidden somewhere on the planet.

One of these land masses floats above the ground, "The Floating Islands" they are called, and are ruled and inhabited by Galbians who have wings and can fly. These Galbians are not just common in the Floating Islands, they can be found anywhere. Their rules are often great friends with the High Royals and most act as security for them as well.

Another land mass is found on the hottest part of the planet where deserts and volcanos make living conditions tough. Galbians who posses heat, or fire magic are born here and it is said that the toughest, strongest Galbian is born from the lava of the volcanos. But that's just a rumor, no Galbian has ever been born from the lava if any volcano. These Galbians are often called to war when they have the unfortunate luck of getting involved in one.

The third major land mass if full of forests and wildlife, Galbia has more than just humanoid beings, animals very similar to Earth's and many other planets live on Galbia too. Many of the Galbians here, as you may have guessed, posses powers that can control nature. Although, most can only control every little or only communicate with it. Most of the Galbians who live here are the firsts when making contact with other, new planets as they are able to understand the new area around themselves faster and easier.

Although it's not a land mass, it is another importance to Gablia. It's waters. Galbia, like Earth, is mostly water. Filled with many lakes, ponds, rivers, seas, and oceans, Galbia has another inhabitant that's not exactly fish-like. Just as there are Galbians born with wings, there are Galbians born with fishy fins and tails. They control the planet's waters and water-life. When water-life is in danger, they are the firsts to arrive. And they don't have their fish-like tail all the time, on the surface, they appear as your regular, typical Galbian.

There's rumored to be a land, filled with wondrous things that one can only dream of, in Galbia. This rumored place is home to the Spirits, who play a major role in Galbian life that will be explained later. The land, called "Garden of Spirits" or "Spirit Garden" or "Spirit World" has never been explored by anyone except for the Spirits, and no Galbian dares find it uninvited. Although no Galbian has ever ventured there, they all know that it exists, and the fact that the Spirits chose their planet is more than enough to have respect to not seek it. Even the High Royals don't dare step foot into "holy grounds" which brings us to our last land mass...

Finally, we come to a small land mass located near the middle of the planet and surrounded by the other land masses. Though small, it is very important to the Galbians. Each land mass and the Galbians who live in the water are ruled by a King and Queen, but they are not the only rulers. The High King and Queen live on this small land mass. They act as the supreme ruler of the planet, but they ruler with fairness and equality. The High King and Queen naturally are able to fly and breathe underwater. Theoretically, they are said to have all powers. However, only one is they're strongest, and that one is the one they are given after birth. The others come through the process of many ceremonies that only the High King and Queen can go through after marriage.

The offspring of the High Rulers marries a prince or princess from one of the other kingdom. Through the royal ceremony that prince or princess not of High Royal blood will gain the power of flight and be able to breathe underwater as well as others.

The high rules had unimaginable power. With the right training they could even learn to control all powers. The way they gain their power is the same as other Gablians, but more public. One week after the offspring of the High King and Queen is born, a royal ball is held.

During the ball, a spirit animal from the Garden of Spirits comes forth to the baby. All guests must bring a present and the spirit's present is the most important. Power and a name. A Galbian's name is decided by their power, and who better to know their power than the one who gave it to them? Also, with their power given, their hair, eye, wings and fishy limbs are given color to match their powers.

However, even with their powers, Galbians never promoted war, they hated it. And it was for that reason alone and they stopped interfering with planets such as Earth. However, Galbians were, in fact, in numerous wars. And one war in particular, left them almost wiped out completely...

So, yes I have re-uploaded this story and yes, I promise, this will be the last time. As I said before, I moved it so friends and family can read it and I don't have to worry about them reading yaoi on the other account(this note will be deleted in 30 days).

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