Chapter Three: Nyx's Escape

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Nyx laid in the small bed provided by the Hakai. His cell was small, too small to stretch his wings which now ached. He forgotten how long he'd been there, weeks? Months? Years? It must have been years he realized.

I probably passed my sixteenth birthday... Hana's can't be far behind...

Hana. That was the name of the princess. The one the high king and queen risked their lives to save. The savior of Galbia. Nyx didn't know how the Hakai found out, nor did he know how they found the planet she resides on. His heart sped up at the thought.

During his time imprisoned, Nyx came up with a plan to escape. He didn't like it, it was too risky. But now that Hana's life was in danger... It'd be easier, Nyx knew, if he had his powers. The cuffs the Gablians were forced to wear was technology from the Technobots, all Galbians recognized the craftsmanship. Besides the loss of power, when Nyx was able to get them off his new powers that Galbians posses at sixteen would come as a huge wave and if he wasn't careful he could easily pass out and his escape would fail.

He couldn't rely on his powers, only his strength which he kept in shape from exercising. But he would still need to fly to safety, and the ropes binding his wings where out of his reach. He'd whistle to Ryuu. Ryuu was a trusted dragon in his family. He came from the planet of dragons, the only place where dragons had existed. But the planet is now long gone, a war had destroyed it along with all the dragons. All but Ryuu who was rescued by Nyx's family. But last Nyx heard, his father had order the dragon to help the resistance. Nyx's family never liked the idea or thought of putting the dragon in danger, but it wasn't like he had a choice with his own planet in jeopardy.

The sounds of the doors opening and closing took him out of thought. He looked and saw the Hakai were taking out prisoners and chaining them up to one another. Nyx knew that they'd never see their planet again. When the Galbians reached sixteen they were chained up and taken away. Where? No one knew but Nyx knew he didn't have to worry, he'd enact his plan now.

The door to his cell opened and acting as weak as possible, he let the Hakai take him out of the cell. Once he was out and his cell closed he hit the Hakai in the head with his elbow. The Galbians looked is shock as they saw him fight back. Before the other Hakai could even process what had happened, Nyx had dashed down the hall. He looked for a window, he knew there had to be a window of some sort. Suddenly the lights turned red and an alarm sounded. It wouldn't be long before he would be caught.

"THERE HE IS!!" A Hakai hissed, like a snake.

Gunfire from many different types of weapons were shot at Nyx, he managed to dodge everyone.

Good thing the soldiers are busy with the Resistance... Nyx thought to himself. THERE!!! He finally found what he'd been looking for, a window. He brought his hands to his mouth, both since they were still cuffed, and whistled. It was high pitched and some of the Hakai seemed to be effected by it, so he kept it up until he came to the window.


The glass shattered as Nyx jumped through it and started to fall to the ground. A roar caught his attention and he positioned himself to fall on all fours. There was a small oof as he landed safely on Ryuu's back. Pure joy, something he had not felt in a long time, overcame Nyx. But it was short lived as more gunfire from the castle as well as the ground shot at them.

"Get us out of here Ryuu!" Nyx said to the dragon.

Within seconds they were gone and high into the air. Nyx closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being airborne and free.

"I thought I'd never see you again, how in the world did you manage to escape?" Ryuu asked.

"I didn't let myself lose hope. I need a sharp horn for these cuffs, one in the back for my wings too." Nyx said.

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